05-25-2017 06:07 PM
I thought I would share my experience with Oculus support in hope that I save others from the anguish I have been through.
I went to use my Rift two Sundays ago to find that only one eye/screen was working. I immediately attempted all the usual trouble shooting techniques to no avail and quickly reached out to Oculus support. I naively admitted to dropping the headset since the last time I used it (like I'm sure 80% of owners have done at least once). They seizing on that admission, and made their judgement that the Rift was broken, that I broke it, and directed me to the online store to buy a new full priced Rift bundle (despite having perfectly good sensors and Touch controllers).
They asked for photos and logs which I provided. The logs were apparently normal, the Rift shows no sign of damage and is in pristine physical condition. Despite asking for photos to review, they were prepared to make a judgement on anecdotal evidence only. Why ask for photos if you don't care what they show?!
I asked how I could get the headset physically assessed, they replied "We do not pull units back to look at them and send them back as this is not a process that is available." I pointed out that their warranty clearly refers to the process of sending back headsets for repair and assessment and implies that this is an available option. They replied "Oculus Support's function is not to debate the semantics of our warranty."
I believe several scenarios would have been fair and reasonable under these circumstances.
I've had a polite back and forth with them over the past 2 weeks, escalated and just keep getting rejected. The last email I received "This concludes our support interaction."
I don't know how exactly the situation would have turned out if i had not made the admission but I think the chances of me being Rift-less would be less then right now. The whole situation is upsetting and makes me feel ill whenever I think about it. I can't just drop another bundle on a Rift.
This is really bad Oculus!
05-26-2017 02:50 AM
05-26-2017 02:59 AM
05-26-2017 03:26 AM
if the unit is less than 6 months old and you are in the UK, the onus is on them to prove upon inspection that the damage was caused by you. An assumption can't be made regardless of what you have said you did or did not do. if upon inspection the damage has been caused by impact then you are liable for the return shipping costs if you want the broken unit back, however they will have to supply an engineering report which stipulates what they have checked and how they have come to that conclusion. this report should give details on what needs to be fixed, whether its just a screen replacement (good luck) or a broken logic board or cable assembly.
as I said, this is all assuming you are in the UK and the unit is less than 6 months old. otherwise you are at their whim and to be fair, it does actually sound like its your fault 😕
might be worth doing a tear down (check I-fix it) and checking it all yourself. if you have voided your warranty due to mis-handling (which they have to prove if younger than 6 months don't forget) then you have nothing to lose.
on a side note, your a very naughty boy for trating your rift that way, the nearest mine has come to being dropped is me falling on my arse while playing superhot and doing some Jackie chan type shit (but luckily my funny bone took the fall and the HMD stayed on my noggin, this was remedied by cursing for several minutes at high volume)
05-26-2017 03:43 AM
05-26-2017 04:48 AM
andy_blanc said:
They ... directed me to the online store to buy a new full priced Rift bundle (despite having perfectly good sensors and Touch controllers).
05-26-2017 06:24 AM
05-26-2017 06:28 AM
05-26-2017 09:42 AM
WhipDiddyWhip said:
this is why i buy things through amazon if i can or other retailers that have proven themselves trust worthy
05-26-2017 11:44 AM
WhipDiddyWhip said:
this is why i buy things through amazon if i can or other retailers that have proven themselves trust worthy