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Consumer Rift Pre-Order MEGA-THREAD

Grand Champion
So the same questions keep coming up, so I figured this would be a good idea (thanks @CardinalStorm!).

This will be a place for common questions and answers. If you have a unique issue, please feel free to make your own thread, but I will try to grab all the common stuff and add it here.

- Check the History Page to See if your Order Was Successful

If you are not sure if your order went through, please check the history page for the shop.
Sign in if you ordered with your account, or choose guest if you ordered as a guest.
If you ordered as a guest and don't remember the order number, please check the confirmation email.

- Obtain Your Confirmation Email
If you did not receive your confirmation email, please go to this page and enter your email address.

- Total Price Showing as "--" or "$0.00"
This issue has been solved. If you check your history page now it should show the full price.

- Problems Changing Addresses for Asian Orders
Some Asian customers have had problems updating their address due to a bug on our side. If you were affected by this, you may have had your address automatically changed to something incorrect. This feature is now disabled, so feel free to change your address now.

- Confusion over Currency in Some Regions
Australian order are actually quoted a price in USD. Sorry for the confusion.

- Updated Shipping Estimates
The estimated shipping time should be around the date that was shown when you pr-ordered. Unfortunately, this date is calculated dynamically, and is not actually stored in the database or on your order anywhere. So Oculus Support agents will not be able to tell you the estimated shipping time if you forgot or didn't see it. At a later day we may come up with a way to give more accurate estimates, but this is to be determined at this point.

- Touch Pre-Order Reservations
Anyone that has a successful Oculus Rift pre-order will be given a reservation for Touch. It won't matter if the page had an error in that section, we will honor the reservation.

- When Does Shipping Start
Oculus Rift pre-orders will begin shipping starting on March 28th, 2016.

- Entering Your VAT Number to Remove VAT in EU
No, we don't support removing VAT from the order.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV
680 REPLIES 680

Honored Guest
As a 25 group in CA, USA, I haven't received any email yet. Why 26 people receive 1-3 week email?


Sarlin said:

New poster so please be gentle....
1.). You could order a Rift with a guest account or a log-in account. Have any guest orders received the 1-3 week e-mail?  I ordered as guest and my friend as a registered user and I got no e-mail.  Just a hunch (He is a 23 and I a 26 though blasted slow work Internet..)

2.) Looks like kicker starters are getting theirs 1st, understandable.  But has anyone determined or seen anything or how everyone else is getting theirs?  Is order number your place in line or does it seem to have more do to with distance from the Distribution center (Kentucky)?  Perhaps people living further would get shipping confirmation sooner sine their product might take longer to get based on logistics?

3.) Is it Monday yet???

As someone who checked out as a guest I can confirm that some of us did get the 1-3 weeks email.
I'm a 25.

I was another who was there on the dot to order but due to failures and retrying got a April date, its not the end of the world.
Asrock Z77 Extreme 4 + 16GB RAM 1866mhz + i5-3570K at 4.5Ghz + Coolermaster Nepton 140XL cooler Sapphire 8GB RX 580 Nitro+ 256Gb SDD Samsung Evo 850 +3x2TB in raid 0 with 64GB SSD cache Thermaltake Level 10 GT Snow Edition + Toughpower 875w

Honored Guest
Hello, please help to get the Oculus rift in Russia :'( , we would like to open the club game with the Oculus rift from 5 pieces to a lot of people had the opportunity to try the Oculus rift in action and rate it, a lot of people on a daily basis. And it will be a good test for the Oculus rift.

Not applicable
Just a little update...
I apologize for my "Wall of Text" comment yesterday, I feel really disappointed and stressed right now due to the comment, and I want forgiveness for what I have typed... I was pretty pissed off, but now I'm OK and waiting for the Rift to arrive...
However, I'm struggling with another problem that some of you might hate when I type this, but it is the truth...
I'm depressed all the time, I have no energy every time I wake up, and have no friends that care about me. Seeing that dislike-to-like ratio shocked me today, and that's why I apologize... I'm actually a nice and bright person but I struggle with multiple things, such as Asperger's Syndrome, depression, anger, and suicidal thoughts...
I want to be a Video Game Developer soon and also make games for Virtual Reality, but my mom hasn't taught me any chores and I became unable to do anything that's important later in life like cooking, doing laundry, taking out the trash, and I'm 17 years old right now and my mom just lays in bed after she's done with her work day, and I'm freaking tired of it. I know it might be unrelated to my game development, but this did happen. My twin brother calls me "fat" all of the time even though I'm a bit fat, but not extremely overweight like some people. I'm actually pretty healthy. He also does call me "lazy" because of the issues with him doing chores instead of me (because of my mom not teaching me them)... I hate people why don't care about me at my school because of my disability, like the disability is limiting my potential to be successful... I mean, here's an example, compare the Special Olympics to the so called by myself "Normal Olympics", especially the Rio Olympics happening this year...
Guess what type of Olympics are being advertised more... If you guessed the Rio Olympics compared to all of the 2016 Special Olympics Events, you are correct...
And imagine both of those events as game companies, which one would possibly get more money... The normal companies' games who are being advertised more would get more money... This is why I'm disappointed... It's like nobody cares about people with disabilities, it's really sad...
I don't have a job yet either, my family uses my Social Security as a lifesaver to keep renting the house and buy groceries, and my family is poor, which is why I wanted to make games... I will make something soon, but life is a struggle right now...

I hope this wall of text is better than the previous one and hopely gives you an understanding about why I'm so angry sometimes but, I'm really sorry since most of this comment doesn't even relate to the Oculus Rift preorders, some might even think it's spam... But at least it's not hateful against Oculus, in fact maxpare79 is right, we wouldn't even have the current CV1 if Facebook did not buy Oculus, then VR, might of not have been successful... I also disapprove about all the things I have said in the original "Wall of Text" comment, like I said, I was pretty angry at the time but now I'm not... I am still waiting for my Rift patiently... I will talk later, and hopefully people will care about the issue and struggle that I am facing...

Good luck everybody and have a good life...

Future VR Game Developer,

@gearashi573 Hey, sorry that you are going through a lot. I really hope you get a chance to dive in to VR Game Development. That sounds awesome! You are never too young to start. I say go ahead and begin learning Unity, Unreal 4, etc. now! There are loads of tutorials available on sites like Youtube. I'm hoping that you follow your passion, and I can't wait to play your games!

Honored Guest
I was checking my order and got the message 

Recent Orders

No orders were found. If you believe this is an error please contact

anyone else seen this, should I start to run around screaming with hands in the air :)?

Honored Guest
Ok Panic over, I ordered as a guest it seems, found the order 🙂

Hey @gearashi573,

you want to become a game developer?

try this:

These are 3 very popular and well liked courses on with lots of material. For only 25$ you get so much material it will keep you busy for some time.. and its great material.. I'm currently doing the 3d modelling course and so far its great stuff. After that I will do the VR one..

And these courses really cover the whole stretch from complete beginner to knowing your way around Unity/blender.

If you get through all these courses you will be Unity Game Developer that know how to code for VR and can do 3d modeling in Blender.. then its just taking the step and starting your own games.

Good Luck.


Just a little update...
I apologize for my "Wall of Text" comment yesterday, I feel really disappointed and stressed right now due to the comment, and I want forgiveness for what I have typed... I was pretty pissed off, but now I'm OK and waiting for the Rift to arrive...
However, I'm struggling with another problem that some of you might hate when I type this, but it is the truth...
I'm depressed all the time, I have no energy every time I wake up, and have no friends that care about me. Seeing that dislike-to-like ratio shocked me today, and that's why I apologize... I'm actually a nice and bright person but I struggle with multiple things, such as Asperger's Syndrome, depression, anger, and suicidal thoughts...
I want to be a Video Game Developer soon and also make games for Virtual Reality, but my mom hasn't taught me any chores and I became unable to do anything that's important later in life like cooking, doing laundry, taking out the trash, and I'm 17 years old right now and my mom just lays in bed after she's done with her work day, and I'm freaking tired of it. I know it might be unrelated to my game development, but this did happen. My twin brother calls me "fat" all of the time even though I'm a bit fat, but not extremely overweight like some people. I'm actually pretty healthy. He also does call me "lazy" because of the issues with him doing chores instead of me (because of my mom not teaching me them)... I hate people why don't care about me at my school because of my disability, like the disability is limiting my potential to be successful... I mean, here's an example, compare the Special Olympics to the so called by myself "Normal Olympics", especially the Rio Olympics happening this year...
Guess what type of Olympics are being advertised more... If you guessed the Rio Olympics compared to all of the 2016 Special Olympics Events, you are correct...
And imagine both of those events as game companies, which one would possibly get more money... The normal companies' games who are being advertised more would get more money... This is why I'm disappointed... It's like nobody cares about people with disabilities, it's really sad...
I don't have a job yet either, my family uses my Social Security as a lifesaver to keep renting the house and buy groceries, and my family is poor, which is why I wanted to make games... I will make something soon, but life is a struggle right now...

I hope this wall of text is better than the previous one and hopely gives you an understanding about why I'm so angry sometimes but, I'm really sorry since most of this comment doesn't even relate to the Oculus Rift preorders, some might even think it's spam... But at least it's not hateful against Oculus, in fact maxpare79 is right, we wouldn't even have the current CV1 if Facebook did not buy Oculus, then VR, might of not have been successful... I also disapprove about all the things I have said in the original "Wall of Text" comment, like I said, I was pretty angry at the time but now I'm not... I am still waiting for my Rift patiently... I will talk later, and hopefully people will care about the issue and struggle that I am facing...

Good luck everybody and have a good life...

Future VR Game Developer,

Hey @gearashi573  

Living with a disability is tough and I hear what you are saying. Life is unfortunately unfair in many respects and we all face challenges. I can see what you are saying about not being taught specific life skills but you are already one step ahead because you know that you are missing them. My only advice would be to stop thinking about it from such a negative angle. I was born let's say "slightly different" and was bullied by my brother when I was young but that all changed as I grew older.

You have to stop thinking about what you can't do and think about what you can do to work on improving yourself. It's a tough world out there and there are only 2 ways to get ahead, get lucky (win the lottery or be born into a rich family etc) or get some skills and totally own your life. People may call you fat but you can train to become fitter and stronger. I used to work with a guy only slightly older than you and in a single summer he came back and had trained so hard every day that he was stacked (you wouldn't mess with him). If your brother is giving you hell then give it back by showing him that you can be just as good as him or better. Learn to do those chores without help and start doing them by yourself. You have the knowledge and experience of a huge amount of the world population at your fingertips so learning won't be hard because of lack of information.

It's tough seeing successful people all the time that look like they just sail through life and have everything handed to them. In reality, If you want to be good at something you just need to throw time at it. Put 1000 hours into anything and you will be great at it. That may sound like a lot but if you spend the next 2 years studying hard and learning to code and make assets you could be making indie games or applying to work in a studio. People really appreciate others that work hard and have committed themselves to their chosen profession.

Also you are only young, you are in a great position when it comes to learning. It only gets harder as you age, trust me.

If I were you I would get a job anywhere. I used to do odd jobs for an agency and would be sent out to random locations to do crappy jobs like cleaning trash compactors and sweeping huge yards etc. From there I got a full time job in a DIY store and loved it. While doing that I went to college part time and then to university full time. So start small and don't let pride get in your way. Work with the public and learn to communicate with people as you go. You will have good and bad experiences but it's worth having them as we are only heading towards a culture of further isolation in VR.

Also give your mum some slack, being a parent is hard and although it's hard to see when you are young she is actually a person like you too. She has wants and needs and is probably exhausted and depressed for similar reasons to yourself. You've gotta be there for her too =).

Anyway I went on a bit of a ramble there. I hope there was something of use at the end of it. 

Also check out as a learning source, it's awesome.  🙂