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Control VR - BEST VR Gloves on Kickstarter

Honored Guest
Control VR - Most significant development in VR since Oculus !!! 😮


Expert Protege
"archaicbereft" wrote:
I am super excited to see this, but I am going to wait all the motion stuff out and see what kind of standard we gravitate towards.

There are a lot cool things happening in the VR input field right now, and as cool as those gloves look I am still holding out to see what Oculus bring to the table as far as input goes.

Same. There's so many products getting made right now that it's hard to say which ones (if any) will be relevant even in the near future. My concern with this product in particular is the price point. It's going to really limit the market and I can't see many devs bothering to program for it as a result. If I'm wrong, I'll be willing to pluck the cash down for these, but I feel a "wait and see" approach is the way to go for me.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

$600 is much less than 20 grand, but still way too much for consumer market. That firmly seals severe lack of apps that would actually support it.

Oculus Rift... VR Gloves... OMG childhood dream comes true 😄 At last....

Looks interesting actually. Although, I don't think gloves will be the final solution. Carmack said that, and I agree with him. It's too much of a hassle to put on for the general public. Optical tracking will be the way to go even if that comes with its own set of problems, like occlusion and such.
DK1 - previously owned DK2 - 2014-08-26 RECEIVED (ordered 2014-04-24) CV1 - 2016-05-25 RECEIVED (ordered on release day) Touch - 2016-12-07 RECEIVED (pre-order with CV1)

600$ for 2 arms?? I'll wait and see where this goes... i ain't backing thats for sure, even though it is a cool project - Way to expensive!
Developer of One Secret Fantasy One of the best virtual reality dating games

"Jose" wrote:
The PrioVR people said they're going to make gloves after PrioVR is done. Hopefully they can sell them cheaper than what controlVR is offering. ControlVR is cool but it's still too expensive, I think.

I wouldn't be surprised if a PrioVR glove was announced very shortly. Ive been suspecting the only reason it hasn't already been, is that they haven't finished manufacturing and shipping the current suit. It seems to me that only reason they couldn't do a glove package before, was that the sensor chips were a little too large, though the latest Kickstarter update shows a much smaller looking sensor chip being manufactured for the suits. There's basically no reason why one couldn't strap these to a glove as-is, as the suit is entirely modular. Though, the wired Control VR rig may actually give it an edge when it comes to latency.

I fear that it is inevitable that my wallet will take another beating for this, but it's hard to order a product 6-9 months out, especially when things are changing in the VR world so rapidly.

Honored Guest
"Jose" wrote:
The PrioVR people said they're going to make gloves after PrioVR is done. Hopefully they can sell them cheaper than what controlVR is offering. ControlVR is cool but it's still too expensive, I think.

Honestly, I'm very happy to see this kickstarter and hope it succeeds because we need VR gloves to be a real thing asap. But personally, I think PrioVR is probably what I will go for, for a few reasons.

Firstly, it is just way too expensive. For what you're getting it is very cheap, but that doesn't change the fact that for now, it's still too expensive, but they have mentioned that the consumer gloves will be cheaper.

Essentially PrioVR offers full body tracking whereas this only offers upper body tracking. As you said, gloves are also next and will be compatible with the suit. Not only that but it's a lot cheaper.

I think for now, PrioVR is the better option, simply because for the cheaper price you get more (without hand tracking currently). And this includes the fact that Control VR currently has no solution for how you can move around the virtual world.

PrioVR comes with a set of motion controllers that include analog sticks for movement around the virtual world, as well as buttons and triggers for extra interactivity that may be hard to configure with just gloves by themselves.

This is a very important issue and I feel Control VR have overlooked that just to realize the dream of VR gloves. I think this feature is more important for now.

Unless we have haptics capable of simulating the feeling of each weapon/item in your hand, and the sensation of pulling a trigger or something for example, I've always considered the combination of motion controllers and VR gloves to be the best scenario. And PrioVR is looking to make that happen. And they are doing it the right way around, not gloves first.

So at this early stage, I think PrioVR is a more suitable option, it offers full body tracking and you won't need any other peripheral to move around and interact with the world. At a cheaper price.

On top of that, VR gloves are next, and will be compatible with the suit. Something also tells me they will be a lot cheaper than Control VR, simply because they have been able to supply a whole suit for much cheaper already.

Looks great, backed it for $630.. but will wait to get some more info and some first-hand impressions to decide if i keep it or unback it.

The thing is i'm not really sure if what is shown in the videos is what we will actually get, posted the following question on the Kickstarter comments section:

OK very excited about this, but i would really like to understand how it works..

You claim that your system uses a hybrid method for tracking, i understand that means inertial + optical to correct for drift. But then on the videos you can see some people wearing a leap motion on top of the Rift and you say "we are already working on a hybrid solution that will be offered with our consumer release that will incorporate one camera worn on the body".

So does that mean that the Control VR DK that we will get is only inertial? Does the chest piece that's shown in the videos actually have a camera? Will we have to buy a LEAP motion and mount it on the Rift to be able to correct drift? Will that not be a problem with the Oculus DK2? Will we have to buy the "official" camera separately further down the line? Even with the camera, how will you keep in sync with the Oculus positional tracking?


thats *really* cool, looks like this is the best VR input device out there
but although getting a DK2 makes sense for a whole lot of reasons (most relevant one being holysh*tWANT), I personnaly don't see the same necessity in buying a whole lot of new input devices until CV1 is out (but maybe that's because I'm not a dev 🙂 )

All these kickstarters shooting right and left, people could very well end up with a prioVR, stem controllers, controlVR, Myos etc. all collecting dust when oculus (or another party) announces the one global input solution that's gonna become mainstream, making support in games for these peripherals obsolete.
I do hope their ks is a great success or that these guys get recruted by Oculus (they certainly look like they have the talent for it), but I'm not putting 600$ down if I'm not sure I can use those awesome toys in official CV1 games 🙂

Honored Guest
"archaicbereft" wrote:
I am super excited to see this, but I am going to wait all the motion stuff out and see what kind of standard we gravitate towards.

There are a lot cool things happening in the VR input field right now, and as cool as those gloves look I am still holding out to see what Oculus bring to the table as far as input goes.

If Cybereality backed and got excited by this, then there should be nothing in the way...