06-05-2014 04:28 PM
06-05-2014 09:58 PM
"archaicbereft" wrote:
I am super excited to see this, but I am going to wait all the motion stuff out and see what kind of standard we gravitate towards.
There are a lot cool things happening in the VR input field right now, and as cool as those gloves look I am still holding out to see what Oculus bring to the table as far as input goes.
06-05-2014 11:20 PM
06-05-2014 11:48 PM
06-06-2014 12:27 AM
06-06-2014 01:15 AM
06-06-2014 03:09 AM
"Jose" wrote:
The PrioVR people said they're going to make gloves after PrioVR is done. Hopefully they can sell them cheaper than what controlVR is offering. ControlVR is cool but it's still too expensive, I think.
06-06-2014 03:31 AM
"Jose" wrote:
The PrioVR people said they're going to make gloves after PrioVR is done. Hopefully they can sell them cheaper than what controlVR is offering. ControlVR is cool but it's still too expensive, I think.
06-06-2014 03:45 AM
OK very excited about this, but i would really like to understand how it works..
You claim that your system uses a hybrid method for tracking, i understand that means inertial + optical to correct for drift. But then on the videos you can see some people wearing a leap motion on top of the Rift and you say "we are already working on a hybrid solution that will be offered with our consumer release that will incorporate one camera worn on the body".
So does that mean that the Control VR DK that we will get is only inertial? Does the chest piece that's shown in the videos actually have a camera? Will we have to buy a LEAP motion and mount it on the Rift to be able to correct drift? Will that not be a problem with the Oculus DK2? Will we have to buy the "official" camera separately further down the line? Even with the camera, how will you keep in sync with the Oculus positional tracking?
06-06-2014 04:02 AM
06-06-2014 06:53 AM
"archaicbereft" wrote:
I am super excited to see this, but I am going to wait all the motion stuff out and see what kind of standard we gravitate towards.
There are a lot cool things happening in the VR input field right now, and as cool as those gloves look I am still holding out to see what Oculus bring to the table as far as input goes.