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DK2 Stuttering in all 3rd party demos

Honored Guest
So I've tried every 3rd party demo that has been built with 0.4.0 with the dk2, (millenium falcon demo, helix, proton pulse, elite dangerous) and every single one has visible stuttering.

The desk and tuscany demo work perfectly. No stutter, silky smooth motion, frame rate sticks at 75, doesn't ever drop.

The stuttering i am seeing can be replicated if you are in the dk2 oculus world demo (tuscany) and hit F9 (which toggles "hardware full screen / low persistence". ) Are these 3rd party demos not taking advantage of low persistence or am I experiencing a graphics card / driver conflict of some kind?

In fraps in some of the demos i'm getting above 75fps even with vsync forced on with Nvidia control panel.

I have a GTX 670

This occurs in all "direct to rift" modes. I haven't gotten extended display to work properly either.

Stuttering is a result of using low persistence when your frame rate can't keep up with the needed 75 Hz. So no as far as I know that is an indication that low persistence is working perfectly, but your graphics cards is unable to handle your graphics settings for the demos you are using. Turn settings down until it works better.

What are your graphics settings like on Elite Dangerous? Turn shadows and AA off. I got stutter on that game with everything cranked up and I am using an R9 290. With lower settings it never skipped a single frame that I could see.

With Dk1 you could get away with a slightly crappy frame rate. Not so much anymore.

Honored Guest
i'm experiencing the same problems. All 3rd party demos stutter in direct mode. Some seem to work slightly better in extended mode (less stuttering, but still blurry when moving head), but not all of them.

Meanwhile the Tuscany demo works perfectly.

My video card is a Geforce 660 Ti.

Honored Guest
But in the millennium falcon demo it shows I'm getting 83+ FPS. I also turn off mirroring (in direct rift mode) and it still stutters.

"willste" wrote:
Stuttering is a result of using low persistence when your frame rate can't keep up with the needed 75 Hz. So no as far as I know that is an indication that low persistence is working perfectly, but your graphics cards is unable to handle your graphics settings for the demos you are using. Turn settings down until it works better.

What are your graphics settings like on Elite Dangerous? Turn shadows and AA off. I got stutter on that game with everything cranked up and I am using an R9 290. With lower settings it never skipped a single frame that I could see.

With Dk1 you could get away with a slightly crappy frame rate. Not so much anymore.

For me, the only way to stop stuttering, was to use the extended desktop mode, and, most importantly, set the Rift as primary monitor, because the v-sync only works for the primary monitor!
When the rift was set as secondary monitor, the framerate was locked to 60 fps (the refresh of my main monitor) and that caused the stuttering.
If the demo does not have a fullscreen mode and opens in a window, you may use a software called borderlessgaming to maximise the window in the rift and get rid of the borders.

Honored Guest
"willste" wrote:
Stuttering is a result of using low persistence when your frame rate can't keep up with the needed 75 Hz. So no as far as I know that is an indication that low persistence is working perfectly, but your graphics cards is unable to handle your graphics settings for the demos you are using. Turn settings down until it works better.

What are your graphics settings like on Elite Dangerous? Turn shadows and AA off. I got stutter on that game with everything cranked up and I am using an R9 290. With lower settings it never skipped a single frame that I could see.

With Dk1 you could get away with a slightly crappy frame rate. Not so much anymore.

Hmm perhaps, but I tried Proton Pulse (DK2 version) and it stutters even when using the lowest graphical setting at a extremely low resolution.

Would be nice to have all the debug information in all 3rd party demos as in the Tuscany demo. 😄

Also to double check that issue, load up fraps and check your frame rate. There are some really demanding and un-optimized demos out there right now. I have played Unity demos that made my R9 290 run at 30 fps. That will stutter like crazy on the DK2.

The 660 and 670 are very slow cards relative to the 780 Ti that Oculus is demoing games on. Polished games made for CV1 will certainly be tuned to run at the target frame rate. Unfortunately most user made demos are not... That is part of the reason why this is a development kit and not a finished product.

The Tuscany demo and config demo are made to be very easy to run.

Both those cards should be able to handle elite dangerous though. Just keep tweaking the graphics down. The game looks great in VR even without all the eye candy.

"UglyDuckling" wrote:
"willste" wrote:
Stuttering is a result of using low persistence when your frame rate can't keep up with the needed 75 Hz. So no as far as I know that is an indication that low persistence is working perfectly, but your graphics cards is unable to handle your graphics settings for the demos you are using. Turn settings down until it works better.

What are your graphics settings like on Elite Dangerous? Turn shadows and AA off. I got stutter on that game with everything cranked up and I am using an R9 290. With lower settings it never skipped a single frame that I could see.

With Dk1 you could get away with a slightly crappy frame rate. Not so much anymore.

Hmm perhaps, but I tried Proton Pulse (DK2 version) and it stutters even when using the lowest graphical setting at a extremely low resolution.

Would be nice to have all the debug information in all 3rd party demos as in the Tuscany demo. 😄

The only way to know is to check the frame rate. Proton pulse even at its lowest setting may be using an effect that is crippling your performance. I recall running one unity demo where no matter what setting I used i couldn't get it to run faster than 40 FPS in Oculus mode.

This is more the games fault than your video cards, because the 670 is not a terrible card by any stretch. It is more or less still mid-range.

Honored Guest
Same here. My computere is decent, core i7.. although my graphics card is getting a bit old (GTX285).

Everything stutters. Kinda sad.

"goddard11" wrote:
But in the millennium falcon demo it shows I'm getting 83+ FPS. I also turn off mirroring (in direct rift mode) and it still stutters.

"willste" wrote:
Stuttering is a result of using low persistence when your frame rate can't keep up with the needed 75 Hz. So no as far as I know that is an indication that low persistence is working perfectly, but your graphics cards is unable to handle your graphics settings for the demos you are using. Turn settings down until it works better.

What are your graphics settings like on Elite Dangerous? Turn shadows and AA off. I got stutter on that game with everything cranked up and I am using an R9 290. With lower settings it never skipped a single frame that I could see.

With Dk1 you could get away with a slightly crappy frame rate. Not so much anymore.

Hm, then maybe it is unrelated to FPS and I am just wrong. Thats good though, should be easier to fix then.