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DKII lenses


Being an optician, I'm quite interested in optical stuff. Being a gamer, I'm quite interested in VR. And now I'm also a DK2 owner. (it apparently had to happen)

Since a long time I wondered what the DK2 lenses optical power was. By roughly measuring the distance between one front surface's lens and the screen, I find something around 33mm. I then assume the lens should have an optical power of 30 diopters/dioptres or so.
Unfortunately, I found out the focimeters (manual or automatic) I use in my job can't measure optical powers above +25 diopters. By adding negative lenses over the Rift's one, I am able to get a result. But since the Rift's lenses are very strong, I end up with slightly different, incoherent values, depending I add, say, a -15 lens, or a -5 lens. (caused by the distance between the Rift's lenses and the lenses I put on the top of it, I guess)

I really would like to know the exact power value.

Just for the sake of understanding !
OR DKII - Win7 64 - Phenom X4 965 - Radeon R9 380 2Go (15.7 driver) - RT v7.0