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Danah Boyd Female Sim Sickness Attack of Feminists?

I warned Palmer as his celebrity increased, perhaps the feminists would come after him! As his VISION and DREAM alienated the POWER so many women do have over men. Not arguing wether it is right or wrong, just how nature instilled that in us over millions of years to keep the species going seems to be a fact.


I feel sorry for the women in the world, who have been able to get governments worldwide to entitle them to all kinds of benefits and resources, but if I man can get his freak on without all that drama, the females on this planet lose a lot of their power and leverage. I had a truck driver friend that bought a couple real dolls and started pimping them out on his route, one woman came looking for him because her truck driver boyfriend dumped her and bought a real doll. She was gonna kill him, society is so fragile, we have to be careful when the rift and VR sex starts breaking up marriages and families and relationships. I have seen thier ultimate form in divorce court! I can see Gloria Stienhem putting out a feminazi hit on whatever man developed this VR stuff, Palmer assures everyone it was him!! (You hear that all you feminazis, Palmer assures me he is the one that empowered men with VR to stop giving you any resources/attention - blame him - no one else) Palmer, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!! I pity you bro! 😉

Well my pal James O'REilly over at facebook (yah I use it) just sent me this:
Is the Oculus Rift sexist?
By danah boyd March 28, 2014
danah boyd is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, a research assistant professor at New York University, and a fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center.

But just yesterday, New World Notes writer Janine Hawkins told me this: "I'm very sensitive to motion sickness so I've always sort of written off the Oculus Rift as a thing I won't really be able to make use of." And if her sensitivity extends to most women, we all need to step back and look at this problem at a fundamental level. Because if VR is apt to make half the world's population sick, its future is very much in doubt.

LOL! BAZINGA! I TOLD YOU SO! LOL! BWAHAHA! MSFT girl no less! Jaron Lanier check yo colleagues!

Over the next few years, I embarked on one of the strangest cross-disciplinary projects I’ve ever worked on. I ended up in a gender clinic in Utrecht, in the Netherlands, interviewing both male-to-female and female-to-male transsexuals as they began hormone therapy. Many reported experiencing strange visual side effects. Like adolescents going through puberty, they’d reach for doors—only to miss the door knob. But unlike adolescents, the length of their arms wasn’t changing—only their hormonal composition.

Scholars in the gender clinic were doing fascinating research on tasks like spatial rotation skills. They found that people taking androgens (a steroid hormone similar to testosterone) improved at tasks that required them to rotate Tetris-like shapes in their mind to determine if one shape was simply a rotation of another shape. Meanwhile, male-to-female transsexuals saw a decline in performance during their hormone replacement therapy.

Along the way, I also learned that there are more sex hormones on the retina than in anywhere else in the body except for the gonads. Studies on macular degeneration showed that hormone levels mattered for the retina. But why? And why would people undergoing hormonal transitions struggle with basic depth-based tasks?,2,3/

Don't Worry Palmer, I am backing you 1000% on this one, and my pal Peter is too! 😉

So will you developers have to have an option for wether you are displaying for male, female, certain amount of hormone of whatever on the retina, etc to EQUALIZE this brave new world for all? 😉

When I was a writer at Linden Lab, danah and I often attended the same conferences, and I recall her raising related concerns around the 3D virtual world Second Life, which was first launched as a VR application, and was experiencing a media hype wave back then. Her skepticism around Second Life was borne out, because as she predicted at the time, “honestly, I don’t think we’re going virtual.”

We hope everyone at Oculus Rift and other VR companies take her current concerns to heart, investigate whether women really do generally experience nausea and motion sickness in virtual reality -- and communicate their findings.
That’s the big joke about the social media explosion. 1980s and 1990s researchers argued that the Internet would make race, class, gender, etc. extinct. There was a huge assumption that geography and language would no longer matter, that social organization would be based on some higher function. Guess what? When the masses adopted social media, they replicated the same social structures present in the offline world. Hell, take a look at how people from India are organizing themselves by caste on Orkut. Nothing gets erased because it’s all connected to the offline bodies that are heavily regulated on a daily basis.
While social network sites and mobile phones are technology to adults, they are just part of the social infrastructure for teens. Remember what Alan Kay said? “Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born.” These technologies haven’t been adopted as an alternative to meatspace; they’ve been adopted to complement it.

December 16th, 2006 at 4:02 am
If we think about this from a people and personality point of view as as well, looking at a Jungian based measure like the Myer Briggs Type Indicator shows how people have differnet information preferences and are likely to want to interact with information, their world and each other in different ways.

Virtual worlds by their very nature will lend themselves to some personalities rather than others. This supports your argument that the world won’t go virtual I am looking into that LEEP VR I lack practical 3d knowledge, I have found some good links, but I am not sure if they are the ones you were talking about. Would you mind direct linking me to them? :oops:

Female compatibility is supposed to be included in CV1. Remember, the DK1 is just a dev kit!
The Furious Angels - an Oculus Rift Online Gaming Community!

Honored Guest
Ship an ampule of testosterone along with the Rift.

"Randomoneh" wrote:
Ship an ampule of testosterone along with the Rift.

LOL! That may be the real solution in the future, hormone/gene modification! We got to equalize the borg collective.

Harrion Bergeron

You know they can't let some group of male neuroenhanced people go into VR futures all by themselves! 😉 Slow down Oculus until we can bring the females to the VR battlefront too! Nukemarine chime in? I am looking into that LEEP VR I lack practical 3d knowledge, I have found some good links, but I am not sure if they are the ones you were talking about. Would you mind direct linking me to them? :oops:

"Tbone" wrote:
Female compatibility is supposed to be included in CV1. Remember, the DK1 is just a dev kit!

LOL! Take us out Blu Cantrell - when you catch your man cheating with a joaquim phoenix HER, or a VRsexlab oculusrealporn girlfriend, what you gonna do to him Blu Cantrell?

LOL! Hit em up STYLE! I am looking into that LEEP VR I lack practical 3d knowledge, I have found some good links, but I am not sure if they are the ones you were talking about. Would you mind direct linking me to them? :oops:

Rev Kyle, you got to internview peter Nolan, he is medicine to help us dudes go forward in our own FREE VR ROBOT etc other technologies and not let the govt hold us back based on gender differences.

Seriously guys, here is a video of Peter talking about male v female suicides, much higher for men, so if VR worlds allow men to LIVE because they want to DIE in the real world, then why would anyone want to hold this tech back just because women can't play in the sand box? Dammit that WEEV is over at Wrong Planet Aspie forums now throwing monkeywrenches into the Neuroenhanced gender difference 😉 LOL!

Do a search for why tesla will never marry

"Women," says Mr. Tesla, "are becoming stronger than men, both physically and mentally.

"The world has experienced many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization.

"Woman's determined competition with man in the business world is breaking down some of the best traditions--things which have proved the moving factors in the world's slow but substantial progress

Perhaps the male in human society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don't know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it--and there is striking evidence at hand that they do--then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world's history.

"Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants and other insects--a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life.

"The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me.

So if VR worlds give all these hopeless men an outlet, why should we STOP or SLOW down just because the females can't get in? They are not suiciding like guys yes? Not incarcerated like guys yes? Not going into draft systems for governments like most guys planetwide have to do to fight wars yes? Sheesh can't we have something for us Ladies without you bitchin - LET ME IN - WAAA! 😉 I am looking into that LEEP VR I lack practical 3d knowledge, I have found some good links, but I am not sure if they are the ones you were talking about. Would you mind direct linking me to them? :oops:

Honored Guest
I'm having a bit of a hard time grasping the main subject of this thread.
Are we debating wether the oculus is only useable by men?
In that case all we need is more samples. Seriously, there are tens of thousands of devkit's out there since over a year now and this is the first time someone has mentioned a difference in male and female user friendlyness. Even if there's a difference, I can't belive that ALL women will have a problem with the oculus. If it turns out 20% of males and 30% of females get motionsick using the rift then I'm sure oculus will react to the problems. If some feminazi is labeling the Oculus as a sexist product because of that 10% difference and launches a campain to get it off the market, then I hope us sane people can safely ignore that raging little cutie. :roll:
People tend to believe what they want to be true.

The majority of technological advances do not end up being "female friendly" until their second or third iterations hit the market. The reason is simple - it's really hard to design a product for a demographic you've never been in contact with. When most engineers are starting out they've never actually met a woman. Once their product becomes successful, their odds of interaction with the opposite sex go up dramatically, with newer iterations of the product taking this new experience into account.

Having worked in the tech sector my whole life, I honestly thought women were a myth until I was at least 25. Even after that actually seeing one was something akin to a Yeti sighting..........

Honored Guest
Hi cleverusername and all,
I am PeterAndrewNolan. I am a colleague of cleverusername. I see he has used my real name here and that is fine.

I tried to put a post here and it said "spam detected" so I have asked cleverusername to post what I had to say for me.

If anyone from this community would like to talk to me? I am I am not hard to find.

You can find my books on A-MAN-ZON.

"PeterAndrewNolan" wrote:
Hi cleverusername and all,
I am PeterAndrewNolan. I am a colleague of cleverusername. ... You can find my books on A-MAN-ZON.

Thanks for joining the party, Peter! I went to your website a few days ago, but got some sort of "server error". I will check it out again soon...