07-10-2014 07:26 PM
The company partnered with Oculus VR to present the latest version of their hyper-realistic simulator platform on the DK2; an early prototype demonstration allowed viewers to be placed in a selection of realistic recreations of extreme fight planes—their cockpits lovingly recreated and able to be experienced through the VR Headset.
This early glimpse at the new software build showed the promise of what ultra-realistic flight simulation in a VR head-mount offers. Though the demonstration did not have any ground-targets, or air combat, the flight model still put the DK2 through its paces.
07-14-2014 04:43 AM
"Cowboy10uk" wrote:
May I ask in the Demonstration that you were lucky enough to do, was it a DK2 that you used and were the instruments readable and usable from a normal sitting position. Appreciate you had to lean in to read the smaller writing on the gunsight.
07-14-2014 07:00 AM
07-14-2014 09:39 AM
"kevinw729" wrote:"Cowboy10uk" wrote:
May I ask in the Demonstration that you were lucky enough to do, was it a DK2 that you used and were the instruments readable and usable from a normal sitting position. Appreciate you had to lean in to read the smaller writing on the gunsight.
As it was reported in the interview - and you can see from the images - this was a DK2 demonstration at E3, @Cowboy10uk.
The visuals were okay, as I said text reading needed me to lean forward - I was also still concerned by the screen door on the DK2 - but all of the developers tell me this will not be an issue on CV1...
Because the resolution is shared across a single panel there will be issues, but for the consumer flight-sim this seemed a very good approximation.
07-14-2014 10:16 AM
07-14-2014 11:46 AM
"KydDynoMyte" wrote:
SInce hotas was mentioned, I just saw this the other day and thought it was pretty neat for a cheap hotas setup if you like to do things on the cheap.
You probably have to register to see the pics but from what I gather this guy (built_to_last) hacked up a logitech rumble pad 2 that sits on the floor and runs a cardboard tube up from the one joystick and made some cardboard rudder pedals and cardboard throttle with the pots from the controller. He was more interested in using it for helis but I never really thought how easy it would be to make your own hotas with rudder pedals just by hacking up a cheap gamepad.
07-14-2014 03:04 PM
"lovethis" wrote:
Do remember that DCS will soon have Edge which should make the visuals much better. This should greatly increase the visuals in the rift.
08-01-2014 09:33 PM
08-02-2014 04:12 PM
08-02-2014 04:36 PM
08-02-2014 05:35 PM