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Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), the DK2 Enabled Flight Sim

Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), the DK2 Enabled Flight Sim That Flew under the Radar at E3 2014

Not much detail, but that it works with DK2 is great news for flight sim fans!

The company partnered with Oculus VR to present the latest version of their hyper-realistic simulator platform on the DK2; an early prototype demonstration allowed viewers to be placed in a selection of realistic recreations of extreme fight planes—their cockpits lovingly recreated and able to be experienced through the VR Headset.

This early glimpse at the new software build showed the promise of what ultra-realistic flight simulation in a VR head-mount offers. Though the demonstration did not have any ground-targets, or air combat, the flight model still put the DK2 through its paces.
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

Honored Guest
Have given it a try over the last week or so, I did really enjoy just flying the planes that you get as default.

Runs very smooth on a triple screen setup @ 60hz (GTX 780 Ti) so fingers crossed that the performance for the DK2 is along the same lines.

Do you think running it 3D at 1080p would give you comparable results?

No idea on that one. We'll know more hopefully soon!
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

Honored Guest
DCS Sims have been out for a while now, you can buy individual jets with advanced avionics and handling, and when I say advanced you need to study it in detail to get anything out of it. Or just play in arcade mode lol

I think DCS is the best military aircraft simulator available today on the market, It has even been confirmed by real pilots it
works 99% like the multimillion rigs they use to train, as wildone106 says it might even be too realistic for someone of the
average gamers who doesn't want to spend months memorizing a startup procedure, but I think it's 70% of the fun! 😄
I strongly suggest you to pick a stick/throttle to play it though, a $50 minimum for a x52 used on eBay (which I've been
personally using for the past 10 years) just to try with all the space sims that are coming out too or, even better, a good
hotas like the Warthog and combat rudder pedals 8-)

That said, I'm ready with the A10c, FC3 and Huey module!
Si vis pacem para bellum

Honored Guest
I can't wait to try that with the Huey :mrgreen:

Honored Guest
Sims will be the killer app for the rift. The flight sim community is mature and will spend money to achieve the most realism possible. A match made in heaven for the rift. This is probably some of the best news this month regarding dk2 IMHO. DCS is the premier procedural sim in modern flight. While Rise of Flight is probably the best and most realistic flight engine. I've flown rise of flight in DK1 and I prefer it in the rift over flying with an HD 3D projector and Track IR. Which is not an inexpensive setup. Nothing compares to flying in the Rift, except actually flying. Been flying since Av8 Harrier for C64, so I've flown them all. Thanks for this news.

DCS is great, I have FC3 and AC10, however DCS does not work with the rift and AMD cards. You get a black screen when rift mode is enabled with an AMD card. That said, you can edit the stereo.lua file and run it in stereo mode with opentrack, but I get poor performance on the frame rate(R9 280).

Their EDGE update (when it arrives) should take this game to a whole new level.

DCS does not work with the rift and AMD cards

Ouch I have a 7970, are you sure they haven't solved it with the dk2 support?
Si vis pacem para bellum

Honored Guest
"superdeluxo" wrote:
DCS is great, I have FC3 and AC10, however DCS does not work with the rift and AMD cards. You get a black screen when rift mode is enabled with an AMD card. That said, you can edit the stereo.lua file and run it in stereo mode with opentrack, but I get poor performance on the frame rate(R9 280).

Their EDGE update (when it arrives) should take this game to a whole new level.

We're also going to have to map the heck out of our flight sticks as once the Rift visor comes down, you don't have time to be looking around for keys to press when your coming in hot.