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Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), the DK2 Enabled Flight Sim

Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), the DK2 Enabled Flight Sim That Flew under the Radar at E3 2014

Not much detail, but that it works with DK2 is great news for flight sim fans!

The company partnered with Oculus VR to present the latest version of their hyper-realistic simulator platform on the DK2; an early prototype demonstration allowed viewers to be placed in a selection of realistic recreations of extreme fight planes—their cockpits lovingly recreated and able to be experienced through the VR Headset.

This early glimpse at the new software build showed the promise of what ultra-realistic flight simulation in a VR head-mount offers. Though the demonstration did not have any ground-targets, or air combat, the flight model still put the DK2 through its paces.
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

Honored Guest
So does this game actually works with SDK 0.41? For me it's having trouble to detect my Rift even when the setting is turned on in DCS.

Honored Guest
Yes it does work, please see this thread which has many more recent posts.
i7-4770K, 2x GTX 780 SLI, Windows 7 64-bit, Oculus runtime