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Do we need more Third person perspective titles for VR?

VR lends itself to first person perspective games very well, but i think it would be nice to have more VR games in third person like Edge of nowhere, Feral Rites,  or Chronos ( but with better camera systems for sure). Actually been playing The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword lately and i kinda miss  some of the aspects of the motion controls for it and wonder how well a game like that would transfer over to vr

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who favors these types of games. When Edge of Nowhere came out I loved everything about it, especially the camera. For the same reason I enjoyed Lucky's Tale so much.

I played Rez for 2 hours last night, and it's also 3rd person. Probably the most unique of these types of games currently is Witchblood. The cutest, other than Lucky's Tale, is Mervils (which I enjoyed beating).

I am also a fan of the top-down god-view games: BlazeRush, Landfall, Defense Grid, AirMech, Tethered.

So yes... we need lots more multi-camera view games. First-Person is great and all, but that genre is currently saturated.

Heroic Explorer
YES! Absolutely! This is the best use of VR IMHO. I would LOVE a resident evil 1,2 etc in VR. 

Another vote here! Definitely! I'd love a Chronos 2!!!! :wink:


Zenbane said:

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who favors these types of games. When Edge of Nowhere came out I loved everything about it, especially the camera. For the same reason I enjoyed Lucky's Tale so much.

For me, my main gripe with the way the camera operates in those games is that they end up being 3D side scrollers, where you can really only move forward. plus, while i initially liked the idea of aiming projectiles with the headset, my issue with it is that it takes your eyes off where your character is and briefly lose track of them, which causes a bit of a disconnect. now that i think of it it would be nice to get functional touch controller usage out of those games to solve that little issue.

 i have a hard time with fixed perspective camera angles in games like resident evil and cronos in particular, but thats just more out of a  personal preference. i  suppose the point im making is that i'd specifically like to see games with more third person camera angles that are fixed directly behind characters while still being able to directly control the camera via the thumbsticks as well as with headset tracking and touch controller support for precise aiming controls.