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Do you Minecraft, Mr Carmack?

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A few months ago Carmack was super exited about bringing Minecraft to VR but since then it's been radio silence.  Did I miss something?  

I'm looking forward to my CV1 as much as I am looking forward to walk(and I mean walk, OMNI!) inside the huge world me and my kids have crafted.  I sure as heck hope my old world will be able to transfer into VR minecraft!

Good news will be appreciated, bad news will be...  the daily routine around VR I guess.

Heroic Explorer
There has been a video of minecraft VR shown off on YouTube somewhere. I think it's in Microsoft's hands now and Carmack is probably working on something else.
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Well, the good news is that the Omni solves pretty much every problem they were talking about.  Cheers for the video.  Can't wait to get my hand on Minecraft VR!  And the Rift! And the Omni! And the STEM!  Getting something one day, would be nice.

bad news is you get reallllly motion sick playing it:(

One thing missing for me is the use of mouton controllers! I think it would be great to actually have to swing your pick axe to hack away at blocks etc.

The motion problem certainly won't be going away soon though.

dead4sure said:

One thing missing for me is the use of mouton controllers! I think it would be great to actually have to swing your pick axe to hack away at blocks etc.

The motion problem certainly won't be going away soon though.

This 12 year old boy has been testing Minecrift with the Touch controllers for just 2 months:

Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

Expert Protege
"bad news is you get reallllly motion sick playing it:(".

Seems to depend. I played MinecRift, I'd say, about 100 hours, on DK1. HL2 for about 20 hours. Minecraft was relatively comfortable (bit tricky finding your keyboard). HL2 had issues that were more technical (vehicles, loading screens, resolution of DK1 a bit too low for visually complex games).

I want Minecraft for the CV1 though. One of the great experiences of the DK1.

I agree! It was great seeing the environments of HL2 as if you were in them. The problem I had was with the movement feeling strange. I'm not really into the mechanic where you aim where you look. The alternative method with the mouse unlocked was fun but didn't feel practical! Hopefully motion controllers will help with aiming guns etc nowadays. 😃

Rising Star
anyone got minecrift working on 1.3?

with the advent of the vive minecraft, I was interested


edit: and 2 min later I got a patch for 1.3