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Dragonball Z Oculus Rift project update!

Update Contents: The build has been recompiled now without having the need of visual studio 2008's debug libraries, this allows us to move on to head/positional tracking implementation.

Screenshots of the game in the rift:

Files you need:

The original zeq2lite revision 1536:

The Rift version files:

I would recommend everyone to try out the original version first on their monitor to get accomodated to the ui/controls and stuff. Install the Rift files over the stable revision of ZEQ2Lite, and make sure you use the included zeq2config.cfg file too! Make a backup of yours first if you want to keep your controls and settings safe for when you want to switch back to normal ZEQ2Lite. I need reactions people, I want people record them trying this out and see their expressions 😄 (if it works though:p)
This project is open-sourced, whoever can improve it, go ahead 😄

Alright, Here is the FULL story for anyone that wonders:
Zeq2lite, is an open sourced dbz sandbox project. It excists about 2 years now on the stable revision 1536. (the first link). A week ago, I had the idea to give this game native Rift support, unfortunately I have no developer skills, but I donated to their dreamhost servers for the upcoming 2 years so that the project most definitly wouldn't be shut down. After that I contacted one of the main creators of the original project, turns out he has a dk2 order aswell and was Psyched about it. So we discussed the matter a bit, and a week later the "game" was recompiled for the Oculus Rift.(Second link). Just take the files out of the second link at put them in the main Zeq2lite folder, overwrite everything and enjoy Dragonball Z in Stereoscopic 3d!

Beware, there is NO head or positional tracking implemented yet

Original gametrailer:

Grand Champion
Ha! Looks great.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Thanks! 😄

This is the very very early stage though. I just need people to test this out and tell me how it actually is in the Rift right now..:p

Honored Guest
Oh gawd...

I've been trying to do first-person kamehameha's for about half of my life. I simply can't imagine all the things I'll be knocking off my desk with something like this... :lol:

Hahaha 😄

Yeah, Once the first person view/headtracking is in...I won't leave my room..:p

Honored Guest
if you put hand pattern movment with kinect, i will definitively adopt this game lol

I'm sorry, but can someone please tell me what this is? I know that the show is Dragon Ball Z, but what is the demo?
Facebook bought Instagram. How exactly did they ruin them?

Alright, Here is the FULL story for anyone that wonders:

Zeq2lite, is an open sourced dbz sandbox project. It excists about 2 years now on the stable revision 1536. (the first link). A week ago, I had the idea to give this game native Rift support, unfortunately I have no developer skills, but I donated to their dreamhost servers for the upcoming 2 years so that the project most definitly wouldn't be shut down. After that I contacted one of the main creators of the original project, turns out he has a dk2 order aswell and was Psyched about it. So we discussed the matter a bit, and a week later the "game" was recompiled for the Oculus Rift.(Second link).
When I tried though it turned out there were some errors but found a workaround solution for this to use the debug libraries from visual studio 2008 (third link). So what you need to do basically, is install visual studio, download the original build, then download the rift files and copy paste the files in the original map.
I hope this made it clear for you! 🙂

"Tgaud" wrote:
if you put hand pattern movment with kinect, i will definitively adopt this game lol

heh, I wouldn't hold my breath for that one :p...Who knows, once it might have control vr support 😛

Little update: headtracking is in the works, and compiling a new version to get around the Visual studio workaround. For those who are interested.

Please test this and let me know how this game is in the Rift, even WITHOUT headtracking and a good user interface right now, Just teleport to namek or so and tell me what the feeling is 😛