I don't know why but I routinely fire this up for a quick play and today is no exception.
Still shit your pants scary, I think because it's so random, and the sound/music is bone chilling.
It can be quiet for ages and then bam the game gets you, which is what just happened, all was quiet and then that huge beast thing appeared, I panicked, turned around and a shadow creature was right behind me. I ran away, hid behind a corner, peaked around it to see if it was safe and there was one of those terrifying witch things.
Oh my God, three heart attacks in a row., I don't see how any other game can come close to how terrifying this is.
Umm, yeah no no no no no. I will stick to using my Xbox controller for this. It scares me enough that way, I don't want to fall over and smash my face into a glass desk. I can imagine the headlines. "Facedesk or Face DEATH: Is VR TOO Real"
Awesome! This is a go to game if I want to introduce people to a scary VR experience, it used to be Alien: Isolation, but that obviously doesn't work with CV1 😞 The only down side to Dreahalls is that it makes everybody sick within about a minute or two, no matter how fast/slow the turning speed is, no matter if it's snap turning, just people get reeeeeaaaally sick in it, yet don't get sick playing Eve: Valkyrie..... 😕
In any case, I don't really get sick anymore, and I am super excited to play this with Oculus Touch, kudos to the dev for making it a free update too 🙂
I felt a bit unwell playing Dreadhalls at first, but then I tried standing while playing it, and that worked fine. It's the turning that upsets me, not the movement.
That said, I didn't get very far into the game, because it scared me too much 🙂
Yeah, it's the turning I've found that makes people unwell, it's because the movement goes from 0 to 100% immediately, it's very boolean, versus, accelerated turning which I think is more comfortable, at least in tests with my own VR game tests. (I tried accelerated movement and turning one weekend, no sickness with people who get sick from VR games, then tried boolean movement the following weekend and within 30seconds, people had to take off the headset off). Although, probably getting a bit off Topic now sorry.
I am curious to know how the Touch implementation will be used in Dreadhalls, I'm guess it'll just be for picking up items, but I think it would be great to be able to hold up the lantern, or hold up the map, or pour oil into the lantern, that'd be really cool.