Hi, I am having issues on looking at the panels in elite dangerous,When I look left and right the UI Panels pop open, but they are tricky to read. When I try to lean in to view them better they promptly disappear. Is there a way to lock them open? Is this a game issue or product issue?
i.e Do I have to wait for the game company to solve this issue or Oculus?
It's a game issue. I mentioned it before on the Frontier forums on the beta feedback forums.
I do not have Rift, but i will go out may way to help No need to thank me or send donations, as i care little about the conclusion, just like the majority of us. lol
I suppose that if you are in a game, this door you're at is supposed to open, but it only opens when you're 5 feet away from it, then shuts when you try to go through, that it is an issue with the keyboard, mouse, or gamepad?
Current WIPs using Unreal Engine 4:Agrona - Tales of an Era: Medieval Fantasy MORPG