08-24-2020 10:03 PM
08-26-2020 01:59 PM
08-26-2020 02:00 PM
Zmidponk said:
Mradr said:
2) Whatever the FB requires (in this case, that you fill in the correct information) - aka you must use your legal full name in places where it is required - you must do so. Failing to do so can get your account ban/remove at any time.
So I take it there's been no details of any exceptions to that, like people who've been on Facebook for 14 years, for a totally random example, just completely off the top of my head?
08-26-2020 02:06 PM
Mradr said:I am sure there is exceptions. I am not saying there isnt - I am just saying where FB requires it - you must do it. At least that is the stance from FB. Of course I am sure there is exceptions to anything, but considering they will also have information on your CC - I assume it has to match up to your CC as well to some degree.
08-26-2020 02:10 PM
Zmidponk said:
1) Yes, I said that Facebook can make exceptions to their own rules as and when they choose.
08-26-2020 02:13 PM
PocketDeuces said:
I don't deny anyone else's anecdotal accounts, but mine is less optimistic. Before deactivating my account 3 years ago, 3 of the 4 fake name accounts I can remember from groups I was a part of did get forcefully shut down. They weren't close personal friends or anything, so I wasn't aware of details, but they weren't troublemakers or anything, so the fake name seemed to be the problem.
So while making a fake account might work, I'm personally skeptical.
08-26-2020 02:33 PM
wuzp said:
Mradr said:I am sure there is exceptions. I am not saying there isnt - I am just saying where FB requires it - you must do it. At least that is the stance from FB. Of course I am sure there is exceptions to anything, but considering they will also have information on your CC - I assume it has to match up to your CC as well to some degree.
That of course assumes they require the CC to be "yours."
- You could be less than 17 years old.
- You could be a "kept spouse," who depends on their significant other to make purchases for them.
- You can get a second CC from your bank with whatever (within limits) name you want on it.
08-26-2020 02:42 PM
Mradr said:Yes, but I also know a few things I can not discuss here either. While you are right - there are a few things they "look for" on your account to flag on. If they don't match up to set of a given information - they will block your purchases and sometimes even close the account. It has happen many times already even for some simple things and that was just with the Oculus account. FB accounts are even more strick.
08-26-2020 02:45 PM
wuzp said:
Obviously, Ocubook have no objections to my using a virtual CC. I think "the few things" you mentioned have more to do with the anti-fraud protections done at the CC processor, and less with FB trying to detect fake users; since much of the CC info you type into a checkout page that is not captured by Faculus.
08-26-2020 03:06 PM
08-26-2020 03:54 PM
Zmidponk said:
Zenbane, you do understand that you selectively quoting me when replying doesn't actually delete the parts you don't quote, and that people can actually go back to the original post and read those parts, yes?
like an idiot.