09-06-2018 05:27 AM
Current Oculus Half- dome prototype born with native
The well known difficulty of comprehension and analisis
of the human gaze, relevated through the eye- tracker hardware, could be not
the unique issue of Half- dome.
The Half- dome does not expose the type of eye tracker
hardware used by Oculus developers. Yes, these informations are covered by the Industrial
Secret but this secret can not cover the fact that the eye- tracker hardware involved
in the Half- dome development is a mobile one.
Yes, the improvements both in mechanical design and in the field of
view using also the Eye- tracker is Really Interesting, and yes the Eye-
tracker ist a marvellous tool for the
analisis of eyes movements but it’s limits currently can not be
That is why some scientific papers have well clear ideas about this
1- The signal loss could afflict portable eye tracker
solutions like the eye tribe one. The consequence could be the failure
to reliably locate a participant’s eyes during the course of the task.
2- The eye-tracking equipment can miss eye movement
when there are large field-of-view areas.
3- The eye-tracker hardware in two-dimensional fields
within immediate proximity (such as when viewing a computer screen or looking
at a supermarket shelf display) may be more reliable.
In Oculus Half- dome we’re not talking about two-
dimensional fields but certainly we’re talking about immediate proximity.
4- The portable eye- tracker hardware could be also afflicted
by specific issues as the lack of accuracy of kinematics capture.
5- The difficulty to interpret the eye- tracker data
like the gaze.
This could lead to difficulties to analyse the
possible issues that one day could
Emerge from the Human- Computer Interaction, between
the the user’s eye, his
brain and the Oculus head- set.
The consequence could be the uncertainty of management
and solution of the
incoming or emerging human- computer interaction issues.
Especially with large fiield-of-view the eye tracker hardware could miss the
eye movement. This may bring the Oculus staff to atribute some inconsistencies between
the software output (what is seen by the user in the Head Set), the Half- dome
head set hardware and the User’s eye. This in turn could make difficult the
interpretation of the Human Computer Interaction flaws.
At this moment Oculus team has revealed only a video
where there are no scientific data taken from a structured video- analisis, of the
the interaction between the users and the Half- Dome Head Mounted Display.
There are no scientific data of the consequences of this Human Computer
Interaction between Half- dome and the behaviour of the user.
In conclusion there is a relatively high probability
that Half- dome team and their marvellous late prototype will have to face
difficult times.
Certainly the lack of interaction of the Oculus staff with
the freelance community of scientific collaborators will have to be changed. If
the Oculus Company’s targets are to move up the new challenges of the new
incoming steps of Virtual Reality, something in the management of the
scientific research and development will have to be changed.
We will see how they will decide to face this and
which strategies they will adopt.
09-06-2018 06:45 AM
09-06-2018 06:49 AM