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GPU Whitelist

Honored Guest

Meta introduced a GPU whitelist to their apps.

If you don't have a high end or dedicated GPU that is on their whitelist, the apps will just not proceed.

It was better when the app would attempt to complete a task on the hardware you have.
I used to be able to connect my Oculus to my PC in order to complete the initial setup, and test out some unreal developments I was working on.

Thanks to the GPU whitelist, I can't even setup my Oculus after a factory reset I performed to try to fix a controller issue.

My $400 device is now just an expensive paperweight.

It is beyond me why Meta, in their infinite wisdom, decided to gate their apps based on your hardware. Not everyone can afford, or has the proper space/power for that kind of setup. Even If I dished out for the upgrade today, whos to say that Meta won't make it obsolete with a forced update like they did already.
The extra time it takes for the apps to run on lesser hardware is not a concern to me, but not being able to use it at all when it worked before is horrible.

Hopefully, Meta reverses the whitelist. If it does, I would be glad to return. In the meantime, I am going to sell this Oculus and try to recoup some of my investment.

Shout out to Meta support for troubleshooting my problems in depth and teaching me a lot about the Oculus in the process. Please let your higher ups know that the Whitelist is preventing people from using their devices.