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Genius marketing on htc, sent jack a vive.

Honored Guest
This is what's going to lose rift pre-orders. Well known devs and youtubers having a blast on the vive and gushing about how amazing it is. Fanboy or not, this is amazing and it's such a simple tactic. If oculus did the same thing then there wouldn't be doubts. I'm so close to jumping ship it's scary. Even my wife is getting excited about the vive, and it's because there is content all Over YouTube showing it off. What are your thoughts guys?

Sorry I'm on my phone and can't provide a link. Search jacksepticeye on YouTube, should be his latest video.


Honored Guest
"CaptainDangerous" wrote:

You got to admit that this looks awesome...

Honored Guest
Yup that's it! Thanks for posting it, the hype is real guys.

Is it great marketing or just the fact they have great stuff to market that wow's all on its own, oculus needs to seriously ramp up the marketing, or can they no longer compete technology wise with the vive's all in experience.

6 months late for hand and room tracking is either 6 months of data htc can use to get ahead next round or 6 months less life in the touch as the upgrade path will excellerate due to one technology winning out over the other.

I get the content issue going forward for the vive but the demo's are hard to not get excited over and wish I'd gone for vive after all.

"aamike68" wrote:
This is what's going to lose rift pre-orders. Well known devs and youtubers having a blast on the vive and gushing about how amazing it is. Fanboy or not, this is amazing and it's such a simple tactic. If oculus did the same thing then there wouldn't be doubts. I'm so close to jumping ship it's scary. Even my wife is getting excited about the vive, and it's because there is content all Over YouTube showing it off. What are your thoughts guys?

Sorry I'm on my phone and can't provide a link. Search jacksepticeye on YouTube, should be his latest video.

Agreed - Oculus really needs to step up their marketing and advertising for the Rift as that ultimately is what's going to get people to buy in on the ground floor that haven't tried it before and don't have any avenue for trying it out.

I wager that both Rift and Vive will be at retailers with a test unit for each, so one of the huge deciding factors is going to be an incredibly powerful marketing strategy.... and who has the deepest pockets for this, but hasn't done much yet?



adjective: rhetorical

•(of a question) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a point/statement rather than to elicit an answer.
No matter where you go, there you are... -Confucius/Buckaroo Bonzai

More and more I'm starting to question myself if I have chosen the right headset. Lack of any news, officially confirmed secs, new videos like the one above or comparison videos makes me think that Oculus is not very confident about his product.

Well you can clearly see that he never tried a CV1...Pain to setup, things were hard to see, unconvincing...that was the DK2 era...sure the VIVE looks great, but he should mention what he was comparing it to
I am a spacesim/flightsim/racesim enthusiast first 🙂 I9 9900k@5.0, 32gb RAM/ 2080ti Former DK2, Gear VR,CV1 and Rift S owner

"maxpare79" wrote:
Well you can clearly see that he never tried a CV1...Pain to setup, things were hard to see, unconvincing...that was the DK2 era...sure the VIVE looks great, but he should mention what he was comparing it to

That's part of the problem, there is nothing to compare it to as oculus won't share anything, they must have plenty in the wild by now surely some reviews would make a big difference.

Christ that was worse than a pewdiepie video. I'm guessing he's talking about the DK2 or 1?
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3