Why is it that I can stay in VR for hours when not using glasses, but putting on a pair of glasses and I get dizzy or sick within 15-30 minutes of use.. I've tried three different glasses, from my oldest to my newest, and they all cause the same issue.
I'm near sighted. Playing without glasses is doable, but text can be really hard to read.
I do notice some warping of the sidevision when I have glasses on. Like objects changing shape when I move head from side to side.
The issue is both on Rift and Vive.
Anyone else experience this? Would ordering custom lenses that fit right on top of the HMD lenses fix this issue perhaps?
In the meantime I will just have to squint allot when in VR :wink:
I had noticed wearing glasses that more of my peripheral is brought into focus somehow. I never minded wearing glasses until I scratched the lens and needed a touch of metal polish to remove it. However, I trained my VR legs by experience. The first step was trying NoLimits2 Rollercoaster in which, I felt the affects over 2 runs consecutively and could not manage another (it has 3 rides). The next day I tried the hardest ride and I fell ill and needed to lay down. After 10mins I did throw up. Had to go out to the pub soon after and felt very dizzy. Since then I never played it again but constantly played E:D and even in this inside Stations and on Planets I felt weightless and disorientated but never sick. After a month all that worn off and nothing can make me vomit. Just don't make me do that hard coaster ride!!!
your eyes need to get adjusted to VR, that shamefully takes times and for some longer then others. Some experience bigger issues with it then others. I wear glasses and the first time doing VR wasn't fun. Got dizzy, sore eyes etc. Now, I have no issues.