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Gold Rush Event #2: Sprint Vector (The Stress Test)

While several of us missed the first event, we have another chance this weekend with another game that I personally enjoy, Sprint Vector.

April 7 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm PT


I found Sprint Vector to have a very unique feature where it makes me "physically feel" the ground moving during certain Jump Routines. It's the oddest thing:

I plan to participate this weekend. Anyone can try Sprint Vector for free, even if you don't plan to participate:

If you are playing it for the first time and experience that strange "ground moving" thing, let me know! And feel free to use this thread to report the results of the Gold Rush event.

EDIT #1:
Today the event played out more like a stress test for the Sprint Vector server infrastructure. They stated on Twitter that they will attempt to have a "makeup" event for those of us who spent an hour looking at a loading screen. Luckily I only spent about 20 minutes looking at the screen before my little buddy took over.


Hopefully a makeup event can happen, stat.

EDIT #2:
Everyone who was queued up should be included in this weeks Gold Rush even if you didn't get to play. Also, the time has been extended, as I just went in 3.5 hours later and still got the achievement.
117 REPLIES 117

Not applicable
I've given up now. And the only Achievement I got was the Rookie one for doing the first tutorial so it looks like I've missed out on ANOTHER One!!!! 😞

Honored Guest
Failed to get into any game, as many other people said. Pretty disappointing, especially since the event was meant to showcase a game to a larger audience and instead it showcased the game as a broken mess...

I guess they really wanted the first weeks gold rush for April fools and didnt want to change their plans.....

My guess is that everyone who has the gold rush achievement will be participated

Over an hour in que now and still no server/match

Honored Guest
Tried both NA and EU servers for 20-30 min, couldn't find a server to try playing in the gold rush time frame, pretty damn frustrating.

Expert Consultant

Teldan said:

I was'nt able to join a multiplayer quick match. Looking for server ....
I wasn't able to start a multiplayer private match. Looking for server ....
I wasn't able to invite a friend of mine who was waiting too into my skate park. He wasn't even shown as playing Sprint Vector and the game did not find him.

You really should extend this event for the next 24 hrs or longer after you fixed your servers ...

There's probably no prize, they took all servers offline but one internal one and set it to a max of two players and connected from within the office so that we would say "F it, I'll at least try it, I wasted an entire hour already".  This really was a poorly executed contest though.


falken76 said:

It's over, didn't even get in a game.  Uninstalling until they announce another contest with a free weekend or something.  I'm getting on DCS World after I shoot people in Onward to calm my nerves from this waste of time.  j/k.  Maybe next time.

I just bought onward. But I keep crashing from games back to menu screen ( i have plenty of vr games and never had any issues) do you know if this is a known issue that has a fix by any chance?

Not applicable
Not sure why I didn't get a Gold Rush Achievement like you guys got. Oh well, easy come easy go I guess.

Expert Consultant

Eeetee007 said:

falken76 said:

It's over, didn't even get in a game.  Uninstalling until they announce another contest with a free weekend or something.  I'm getting on DCS World after I shoot people in Onward to calm my nerves from this waste of time.  j/k.  Maybe next time.

I just bought onward. But I keep crashing from games back to menu screen ( i have plenty of vr games and never had any issues) do you know if this is a known issue that has a fix by any chance?

I bought Onward on Steam so mine launches from the steam client.  It's supposed to give me an option of OH or steam but it doesn't.  Onward also appears in OH for me, but if I try to load from there it crashes as soon as the title screen comes up.  You can open a support ticket with Oculus and they would probably be able to help you though.