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Good Place To Purchase & Download Movies?

Honored Guest
So while I'm waiting for my Oculus Quest I've been trying to figure out where I can purchase and download movies for the Quest. I know I can hop into Netflix and stuff like that, but I wanted to have a few movies stored on the headset it's self encase I'm somewhere where theres no internet or the internet is terrible and I can't get good quality out of the video.

On top of that, I'm interested in seeing if there are any digital store fronts that sell 3D movies. It's kind of weird for me to be wondering about this since whenever it came to 3D movies at the theater or watching one at a friends house when they had a 3D TV I would try to avoid, but now with VR I wouldn't mind trying a few movies if possible.

I know some people just keep telling me to torrent the movies and some what but I don't torrent movies at all. Whenever it comes to getting new movies I do try and purchase them digitally on the Windows Store front. Not only can you purchase them and download them on to the computer for internet free watching but you can also watch it on Xbox by just logging it for instance. I'm just looking for other sources to purchase and download since there doesn't seem to be many of them, specially for 3D movies as mentioned above.