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Got my VIVE

Finally got my Vive today, it was supposed to deliver Monday but I am always at work when FedEx shows up.  FedEx btw are like robots, when I called them to tell them not to come at the time they show up at since I'll be at work they always say "we'll note that in the delivery" and they still show up at the same time and leave a notice on my door that no one was there to sign.  1 more time and they would have shipped it back to HTC!

So today, I drove out to FedEx after work and picked it up.   Ordered on 3/16 with a promised delivery window of "May 2016".  No day no nothing, and it arrived 5/1.  🙂

Haven't set it up yet as was considering using 3M Command Tape...but now that I have the Lighthouses in hand they are just too nice to risk it.  Will have to buy a drill this weekend and get everything set up.  Can't wait.  Will give some impressions when I can.  Lab and Zombie Trainer here I come!

As for my Rift pre-order...not sure if I want to bother waiting.  For the Vive orderers it does seem shipments are coming through quite fast so hang in there and you'll have yours soon enough.  🙂

Oh funny thing, I was on line at FedEx and this girl in front of me was waiting for her package.  She was on her cell phone and says, "What?? It's 19lbs?  Why is a headset so heavy?  Oh, it has controllers in it too?  Oh I see".   Guess she was picking up Vive for someone.  The FedEx girl was like, "did you 2 order the same thing?  What is this thing?  I see packages like this from this company all the time but they make cell phones right?  What is this some 19lb cell phone?"   lol

Honored Visionary
Just thought I'd interject this into the thread. Aint Got my my Rift but I GOT MY VIVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.