09-05-2017 03:59 PM
09-06-2017 06:32 PM
snowdog said:
Phaserlight said:
madamluck said:
Sucks you got bored with it and that it didn't meet your high expectations/ standards. Vr isn't for everyone...but just because it wasn't "your thing" doesn't mean it isn't someone else's. Silly reason not to recommend. How you cant be even mildly impressed with how far tech has come I don't get.. i for one think it's amazing and look forward to the future.
I've been playing on Gear VR the past year and have to agree with William Gibson:
Get a Gear VR, maybe?
Somebody HAS to be working on a Neuromancer game. Best. Book. Ever.
09-06-2017 07:14 PM
09-06-2017 09:45 PM
Fri13 said:But then when a titles like Robo Recall has SO LITTLE content compared to what a average FPS game even from 90's had
09-06-2017 11:33 PM
09-07-2017 12:09 AM
09-07-2017 12:16 AM
elboffor said:
You really nees to look at vr news @MowTin.
Fallout 4 vr is due out later this year.
09-07-2017 12:33 AM
09-07-2017 12:35 AM
Phaserlight said:
madamluck said:
Sucks you got bored with it and that it didn't meet your high expectations/ standards. Vr isn't for everyone...but just because it wasn't "your thing" doesn't mean it isn't someone else's. Silly reason not to recommend. How you cant be even mildly impressed with how far tech has come I don't get.. i for one think it's amazing and look forward to the future.
I've been playing on Gear VR the past year and have to agree with William Gibson:
Get a Gear VR, maybe?
09-07-2017 05:44 AM
Sharpfish said:
Phaserlight said:
madamluck said:
Sucks you got bored with it and that it didn't meet your high expectations/ standards. Vr isn't for everyone...but just because it wasn't "your thing" doesn't mean it isn't someone else's. Silly reason not to recommend. How you cant be even mildly impressed with how far tech has come I don't get.. i for one think it's amazing and look forward to the future.
I've been playing on Gear VR the past year and have to agree with William Gibson:
Get a Gear VR, maybe?
?? Seriously?
No positional tracking (so not actually VR at all), no meaningful VR input (no agency in VR other than gazing) and a very underpowered phone to run anything off and you think that's better than rift just cos it has a bit higher res? I doubt the OP would find it compelling if he doesn't even enjoy rift. I certainly didn't (other than it being "ok" for movies or whatever)
09-07-2017 06:50 AM
Agree with your point - it dose sound like this. I think its great that Alderson15 felts he could give his reasoning, and we have to take this at face value. This current phase of VR is still not for everyone, and we have to be respectful for the reasoning involved. The word is that Sony has seen some PSVR return issues based on expectations and reality.
Phaserlight said:
I guess I was reading between the lines, a little bit. There is such a thing as buyer's remorse.