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HP Reverb second impression thread. (Revision 2)

Ok HP have finally started selling the Reverb again after the messy first release. I returned the 1st with issues and received my version 2 model yesterday. Setup is plug and play as you'd expect with a WMR. I did have an issue for an hour or so where I was stuck in 3dof but after tinkering I found the error (user) and was back in 6dof. The cable is still heavy and a tad cumbersome but due to a new included clip, the cable attachment will not come apart now.

Now for the good bits, the resolution ohhh the resolution!!! I am so glad I have my Reverb again for simming. Sod the controllers I don't use them. But in DCS FSX P3D and our Flyinside simulator, the clarity is what I've always wished and hoped for.

Yes I think it does need a 2080ti to get the full benefit of this headset but that's a personal opinion and yes it's a tad pricey but did I mention the resolution?

If you are into sit down experiences or simming then this is a must have HMD, it really does blow everything out of the water (until we hear about the cosmos)

I think the sound is on par with the CV1 through the Reverbs headphones but defo not as comfortable but they are bearable.

Visuals = 10/10
Comfort = 7.5/10
Build quality = 8.5/10
Value = 9/10
Recommendations = 9.5/10

Simmers it's a no brainer, go buy.
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.



RedRizla said:

TomCgcmfc said:

Only way I have found is to stop OVRservice in your task manager services tab.  Then when you want to run your Rift again, restart OVRservice (or restart your PC).  Or, you can make a simple bat file to turn it on/off.

I can't make a simple bat file because I don't know how to 😄
Where can I get a bat file?

Just Google ovr services bat file.  You will see lots of examples how to create a simple bat file with your notebook editor.  I think I used to use the one shown on the windows central website.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

Title changed to help anyone who is interested 😉
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Maybe change the other Reverb thread likewise to ....(Gen 1).  Then close it.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

Done ?
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Honored Visionary
Other than fixing the screen issues what else have they [HP] done? Is there a list of changes somewhere. Not sure why you put Gen 2 as if it's a new device? Is the cable less thick for example?

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.

Expert Trustee

Techy111 said:

The thing I find a tad annoying is when starting any sims with the Reverb and steam VR up and running, Oculus home starts !!! Ideas ?

That's strange, why would Oculus software launch when using a different company's HMD? Can anyone please explain?
UK: England - Leeds - - RTX 2080 - Rift CV1 & Rift S - Make love, not war - See you in the Oasis!


Techy111 said:

The thing I find a tad annoying is when starting any sims with the Reverb and steam VR up and running, Oculus home starts !!! Ideas ?

That's strange, why would Oculus software launch when using a different company's HMD? Can anyone please explain?

Pretty simple imho.  If you have Oculus software installed it already starts up ovr services.  If you do not want it to start up Oculus home you need to stop ovr services.  No big deal imho.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers


Other than fixing the screen issues what else have they [HP] done? Is there a list of changes somewhere. Not sure why you put Gen 2 as if it's a new device? Is the cable less thick for example?

No the cable is much of the same, a clip  is included to stop the cable parting. Also it states VR1000-2××× in the home portal so something has changed with the headset. It certainly doesn't get warm anymore.
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Expert Trustee

TomCgcmfc said:

Techy111 said:

The thing I find a tad annoying is when starting any sims with the Reverb and steam VR up and running, Oculus home starts !!! Ideas ?

That's strange, why would Oculus software launch when using a different company's HMD? Can anyone please explain?

Pretty simple imho.  If you have Oculus software installed it already starts up ovr services.  If you do not want it to start up Oculus home you need to stop ovr services.  No big deal imho.

I still don't understand.

Why would one gaming platform open up when using a HMD that is programmed to work for a different gaming platform? Is this a glitch?

Like shouldn't it work like this - When you use a Rift CV1/S it does not open Steam VR when using Oculus Home.

And then when using Index/Reverb/Cosmos/Vive etc it does not open Oculus Home when using Steam VR?

Why would either one open the other?
UK: England - Leeds - - RTX 2080 - Rift CV1 & Rift S - Make love, not war - See you in the Oasis!

Maybe it has something to do with any exe files written when using the CV1 and all my sims ??? Say if I open DCS it launches my windows portal then steam VR and finally right at the end, Oculus Home. Could it be something written to windows ???
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.