07-04-2016 07:38 AM
According to SteamSpy, Tilt Brush is the most popular of the Vive’s bundled games, now sitting at 94,911 (± 8,213 margin of error). Assuming each owner of Tilt Brush is also a Vive owner, the margin of error brings the headset’s sales as high as 103,124 or as low as 86,698 three months since launch. While that’s still far from ‘mainstream’, the steep $799 price means that with only 100,000 sales HTC has already pulled in nearly $89 million in revenue.
To put this into perspective, Oculus sold some 175,000 Rift DK1 and DK2 development kits over the course of their lifetime offering (August 2012 – October 2015).
The biggest question for those who care is how many Rifts have been sold?
07-04-2016 11:30 AM
07-04-2016 12:00 PM
07-04-2016 12:06 PM
You're right. My head is about to explode.
Shadowmask72 said:
RorschachPhoenix I think you're refering to the steam survey thread over there. This has nothing to do with that. In fact this isn't about who sold more it's just looking at numbers for one VR platform. If you want to go all high and mighty and off topic then the GEAR VR has over 300,000 units sold.
07-04-2016 12:11 PM
07-04-2016 12:22 PM
Shadowmask72 said:
More sales of hardware is good for everyone.
07-04-2016 12:26 PM
07-04-2016 12:27 PM
07-04-2016 12:31 PM
07-04-2016 12:34 PM
ziphnor said:
Steam supposedly has ~125 mil active users. The steam hardware survey lists 0.15% of users having an HTC Vive which then comes to ~187500 HTC Vive owners i would guess?
07-04-2016 12:45 PM