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HTC Vive Headset Nearing 100,000 Sales According SteamSpy Stats

Honored Visionary
Just because y'all impartial here and grown up, Road to VR are reporting that the fairly accurate SteamSpy stats which show how many people are playing X games suggests that the most popular free game for the Vive Tilt Brush has around 94,911 users.


According to SteamSpyTilt Brush is the most popular of the Vive’s bundled games, now sitting at 94,911 (± 8,213 margin of error). Assuming each owner of Tilt Brush is also a Vive owner, the margin of error brings the headset’s sales as high as 103,124 or as low as 86,698 three months since launch. While that’s still far from ‘mainstream’, the steep $799 price means that with only 100,000 sales HTC has already pulled in nearly $89 million in revenue.

To put this into perspective, Oculus sold some 175,000 Rift DK1 and DK2 development kits over the course of their lifetime offering (August 2012 – October 2015).

The biggest question for those who care is how many Rifts have been sold?

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.

I'm pretty sure Honda sells more than Lamborghini

Good for them for making such a profit off the hardware, I guess?

But making a profit in the short term and getting the product out there isn't the entire battle. They also have to build an impressive VR content library, keep VR users on Steam, gain the support of developers, and keep people playing with their Vives.

Right now, at this phase of launch, they're just following in the foot-steps of the Nintendo Wii:

Wii launched and everyone was clamoring to get the console with motion controls because we were all convinced they would revolutionize gaming and make gamers physically active and give us immersion, yatta yatta...

Consequently, Wii sells a 100,000,000+ units in its lifetime.  Big success right?  Kind of. On the other hand, its library had maybe half-a-dozen games really worth talking about and the rest was disappointing shovelware titles.   Where it was impossible to get your hands on one in the first week they released, a couple months later Wiis were lining the shelves of used game stores. Meanwhile, I know people who still regularly play their PS3s today..

If Vive continues to go the same way, will it be considered a successful platform based on hardware sales alone?

It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.


RorschachPhoenix I think you're refering to the steam survey thread over there. This has nothing to do with that. In fact this isn't about who sold more it's just looking at numbers for one VR platform. If you want to go all high and mighty and off topic then the GEAR VR has over 300,000 units sold.

You're right. My head is about to explode.
Excuse my bad english. I speak to you through the google translator. 😛

Honored Visionary
$89 million in revenue but we don't know how much of that if anything is profit. I think the way this news should be digested (aside from with a healthy dose of salt) is that in the grand scheme of things 100,000 isn't very much at all and not worth shouting about at this stage. On the other hand as VR early adopters putting hardware preferences aside we should be looking at overall adoption of VR  regardless of whether it's HTC, Sony or Oculus. So if we are to look at 100K sales being a noteworthy milestone (despite not being that great) then more numbers is good for the VR platform. This is why we should be looking at numbers as a whole rather than for individual platforms. Especially to silence the naysayers who believe VR is a fad and will go the same way as 3D. I certainly believe VR will become far more mainstream once the PSVR launches in October as the affordable VR platform for most.

More sales of hardware is good for everyone.

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.


More sales of hardware is good for everyone.

I agree with that. But what's more important is good content. Because content is king. And from what I've heard is that a lot of content right now is overpriced garbage.
Excuse my bad english. I speak to you through the google translator. 😛

Honored Visionary
Yeh there's no quality control and a lot of experimental stuff out there which you can look at in two ways. 

Overpriced tech demo nonsense


The people making these games might be inspired to come up with something great once they have found their VR feet and a decent publisher to back them.

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.

I'd say yes, some are overpriced but I'd also say some are excellent 😉
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Expert Protege
Steam supposedly has ~125 mil active users. The steam hardware survey lists 0.15% of users having an HTC Vive which then comes to ~187500 HTC Vive owners i would guess? ( assuming the users who take the survey make up a representative subset)
Windows 8.1 | i7 5820k@4.3Ghz | Asus Strix 980 GTX | Asus X99-A motherboard | 32GB DDR4 2133Mhz | 1TB Samsung 840 EV0 SSD | Corsair HX750i PSU


ziphnor said:

Steam supposedly has ~125 mil active users. The steam hardware survey lists 0.15% of users having an HTC Vive which then comes to ~187500 HTC Vive owners i would guess?

I highly doubt that.
Excuse my bad english. I speak to you through the google translator. 😛

Expert Protege
Sales are great and all, but I'll take a killer library over hardware sales any day of the week..Not to  mention let's wait till both release real numbers. I can still remember buying a wii, and quickly getting an xbox 360 to make up for the lack of good games..