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HTC Vive Lighthouse Mounting

Sorry for the Vive thread in the Oculus forum, but I am led to believe this is for general VR chat? Also, there seems to be a few with Vives here and some very helpful people too.

Where do you think would be the best place to place the lighthouses to cover my whole play area? My real concern is ensuring I am fully tracked while having a seated experience at my PC desk due to the Vive not having sensors on the back.

Here are some picture of my play area:

I'm thinking:

First corner above my PC, to the left:

And the counting from this corner counter clockwise, the 3rd corner above the door.


Honored Visionary
Seems like an awkward shape. I believe your best bet is to use a tripod in the corner with the desk so you can at least adjust the height if needed rather than making lots of holes in the wall. The other lighthouse should easily see the back of you but the angle you're facing the desk and the closeness to the wall makes it harder for the lighthouse near you to see the front of you if you have it high up.  |You'll probably be ok though.

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.

Hmmm good point. I may look into a vertical pole and clamp solution.

Rising Star
I'd start by placing one at the top right corner of the window and the other in the opposing corner at the door. This should allow for desk and room tracking. The base stations have a really wide sweep and the room is kind of small so you can point the base stations down quite a bit before tracking starts to suffer. use a temporary solution to figure out the best placement before permanently mounting them.
Not a Rift fanboi. Not a Vive fanboi. I'm a VR fanboi. Get it straight.


VizionVR said:

I'd start by placing one at the top right corner of the window and the other in the opposing corner at the door. This should allow for desk and room tracking. The base stations have a really wide sweep and the room is kind of small so you can point the base stations down quite a bit before tracking starts to suffer. use a temporary solution to figure out the best placement before permanently mounting them.

Yeah, this is where I am thinking.

Ps. Are the screws in the box masonry screws that you screw directly into stone or do they come with plugs?

Rising Star
They come with plugs. I didnt use my plugs though. I screwed my base stations directly into wood panelling. More than enough for a solid mount.
Not a Rift fanboi. Not a Vive fanboi. I'm a VR fanboi. Get it straight.

Cool. My walls are stone. I'll buy some masonry screws when it comes to it.

Heroic Explorer
Don't know if this helps, but these are concerns that have been holding me back from getting a Vive:

1. Do you have power sockets near where you want to mount lighthouses? Each lighthouse has its own plug. You've got to either have handy power sockets, or be prepared to run power strips and extension cables all over the place.

2. What's the total square footage of your playroom? Tripod mounting saves you the trouble of finding the "perfect corner", but I think the user manual says each lighthouse must be suspended 6' plus from the ground. If you pull a tripod that tall and want it to stay stable, it's gonna take up some serious floor space.


Yup, plug sockets in the corners that I intend to mount the lighthouses.

Not gone for tripods, I have ordered some floor to ceiling poles instead. The feet on those tripods take up some space, like you mentioned.

Expert Protege
me too need to find how to put the lighthouses...still need to tell my wife first 🙂