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Handling head collision with the environment in DK2

Honored Guest
With the position tracking in DK2, is there a working solution (or at least design guideline) from the Oculus team on how to handle head collision with the environment?

Right now with DK1, you can only move your virtual body, this kind of movement can be restricted so you wouldn't be able to hit the wall.

Now with DK2 positional tracking, when you virtually standing next to a wall, and lean forward with your head. What should you see?

1. If you do not "restrict" the head movement, your virtual head will stick into a wall, which breaks immersion.

2. if you do restrict the head movement (in the virtual environment that is), you will likely get motion sickness since your head movement doesn't reflect in what you are seeing.

In my opinion, either way is bad. Is there a better solution? Has the oculus team thought about this in their design guideline for VR applications?

Honored Guest
from what i've seen with VRcade, when people approached a wall, they instinctively didn't want to stick their head into the wall, i don't think it'll be as big a problem really. Would you want to push your head through a wall? 😛

If your head goes beyond the physical barriers of the game, tracking goes on (otherwise you'll get sick) but the image will quickly fade to black: this way, you can't clip through a wall and you don't get sick (it will break immersion only a bit).