05-09-2016 12:54 PM
Hi Oculus Community!
So there are a bunch of reasons to be excited about virtual reality becoming more consumer-accessible these days... One of many is that we now have the possibility of acquiring so much data for scientific purposes!
I am trying to start a research project in my university to look into the particulars of virtual reality induced motion sickness so as to specifically understand what factors might contribute to its occurrence.
The end goal is to be able to identify those who would be susceptible to VR-induced motion sickness ahead of time and to mitigate those symptoms if possible. This could be useful in the near future once medical or therapeutic applications of VR become more widespread and the users of the technology are not necessarily those who would be more readily comfortable with it.
To that end, I need the help of early adopters so I can gather some data and submit a proposal. It's a way of showing them that there really is something here worthy of exploration in the sense that there are possibly a different set of factors triggering Virtual Reality motion sickness as opposed to regular motion sickness.
I would be thankful if any early adopters would fill out this survey regarding your experiences in VR:https://yalesurvey.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_37VGB0GlHmuUnTD
The last two questions require that you have played a session of Sightline: The Chair and Flying in Dreams, both early demos available for the Oculus. They're not required but answers to those would be really helpful for this proposed research.
Links here: Sightline: http://sightlinevr.com/ Flying in Dreams: http://flyingindreams.com/
I'll also be raffling a $25 Amazon Gift Card if we hit the 50-responses mark.
I appreciate any help you all might offer in this!
05-09-2016 03:53 PM
05-09-2016 04:31 PM
05-09-2016 04:34 PM