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Home Cockpit Hardware

Honored Guest
Hi everyone! First time poster. How are you?

Flight and driving seem to be a good fit for seated VR experience, and they are things I am passionate about as gaming.

I wonder if people here has a dual purpose home setup so they switch between G27 with gearbox and pedals or what you have and HOTAS with flight pedals easily on the same desk or chair? Did you buy it, did you build it yourself?

I halve spent hours looking at options and it seems most are one or other, but I only have room for one! I have a Logitech G27 and am planning on Saitek Rhino with Combat Pedals when I more money have. Desk mount is not comfortable for extended sessions. I would rather spend on quality controls and nice seat.

Thank you for your time!

Not applicable
I bought an Obutto R3volution for that need! I'ts affordable and ergonomic (IMO).
Mabye this review can give you an idea:

Honored Guest
Hmm I like this but for less money, it is only welded steel, why do they ask so much?

Not applicable
Well, it's one of the cheapest all-in-one solutions that I know of and it's extremely sturdy and durable, which is also important 😉

I ordered an Obutto Ozone (that costs about $300 less than the R3volution) about 2 months ago and they should finally ship it to me at the end of this month, I think it's the cheapest commercial (not DIY) solution available if you wanna mount both a hotas and a wheel, keep in mind that if you're using Saitek Combat pedals like me they won't have 100% movement range because of the space between the tubes, but something like 90%. Also, I don't think I'll order the Hotas Warthog specific mount when I'll switch to that setup from my current 10 years old x52, someone has mounted it on the standard hotas mount without problems apparently.
Si vis pacem para bellum

Honored Guest
I have an Obutto Revolution

The g27 wheel setup

and the Saitek Rhino x55

Exactly the things you were looking for. The Obutto Revolution is a great seat, its ideal for the G27. The wheel,shifter, and pedals mount perfectly. Rock soild, seat is adjustable, feels great like a futuristic desk. It is a little harder to get in and out of as compared to a seat in front of a desk, you kind of are down closer to the ground and there usually is the need to move the articulating mouse tray to the side. But it is not a big hassle.

The X55 Rhino is a big device, and thus far I have not received my HOTAS mount, though I can already tell that mouting the Rhino is going to be an issue because it is big and meant for desks. I have just placed the Throttle and Joystick on the keeyboard tray, and that works but I am looking for a way to secure the joystick and throttle to the mounts.

Additionally the shifter mount which I was going to use for the joystick is in the wrong position for a joystick. We will see how it all works out when I get my HOTAS mount too.

Overall the Revolution gets an A for being a ergonomic desk

AN A+ for being a racing setup up

And a B for being a flight setup

Honored Visionary
No you need a set up like this!

....funded by DARPA!! "The Out-of-Home Immersive Entertainment Frontier: Expanding Interactive Boundaries in Leisure Facilities"

Honored Guest
I've got a Wheelstand Pro for my DFGT & just using a regular office chair but will be getting a different one that i can mount a cheap HOTAS to the arm-rests and a buttkicker & that's me sorted .

I'm in the middle of making changes to my rig so I can easily switch between racers and flyers. I'll get some pics when I'm done 🙂

Honored Guest
Im still looking for an affordable 6DOF motion chair. There are several extensive platforms but not only chairs. I found One so far, but this One is still under Development......