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How do you turn 360 even though there's a cable?

I can't do it sitting on a chair. And standing, i would be able to do it but the cable would start wrapping around me, wouldn't it?

Some game development utilities are allowing 360 degree turning without using the xbox control right stick   but  how are we supposed to turn if ther'es a cable?


jaimi said:

As far as I can tell : Not at all.

You need one retractable cable, so you can move your head up and down.
And you need the second retractable cable, to keep the cable out of your arms way.
And that dog runner has neither, so you would still need to add two retractable cables.

Also you use less then 2m per cable (that add up to enough to provide the full CV1 cable length), so a fixed point attachment to the center of the ceiling is fine.

Expert Protege
I honestly can't see how people can have a issue with the cable, sure it would be better without one, but how hard is it to simply be aware of it and move it around from time to time, I swear people like to make things way more complicated than they have to be.

Heroic Explorer
I just use a swivel chair and hang it across the back and unwrap when needed lol

Expert Consultant

I can't do it sitting on a chair. And standing, i would be able to do it but the cable would start wrapping around me, wouldn't it?

Some game development utilities are allowing 360 degree turning without using the xbox control right stick   but  how are we supposed to turn if ther'es a cable?

Route it through a hook or loop on the ceiling so it is dangling above you.  Use another hook to hold the slack of the cable.

The issue of hook vs retractable cable is a simple one :
- If your head isn't moving around much a pair of hooks will do, preferably adjustable to a fixed height to match the height of the current user as well as provide a sitting or standing setting.
- Once you start using 6D hand controllers and begin moving your head and waving your arms all over the place, then you start clearing your room for the widest space you can achieve and drop the hooks to go for a pair of retractable cables.

Don't see a need for a simple pair of retractable cables over a simple pair of hooks ? It's because you're not using 6D hand controller based software yet, which greatly benefit from the ability to actively pull and retract the CV1 cable.

Also you don't really need cable management for a 180° experience. Going for cable management is more about achieving full 360° freedom without having to worry about having to step over a cable or about which side you are allowed to rotate. Also provides a safety against ripping the CV1 cable out of your PC.

Thing is once you do get those 6D hand controllers, it's so cheap and easy to set up the corresponding retractable cable management that works fine (costs less then a VR cover), that there's simply no good reason to settle for a lesser cable setup.