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How is your tracking since 1.11 patch?

Heroic Explorer
Posted this on reddit forum but this place may give more accurate results.

Heroic Explorer

Arock387 said:

My biggest issue is my height keeps changing.  I start fine then seem to grow in Arizona Sunshine to the point where I need to duck to go through doors and if I accidently drop a clip than I cannot pick it up. 

I've encountered the opposite.  I start getting shorter and shorter and eventually start going through the floor.  Just after 15 minutes of arizona sunshine and when i go back to oculus home I can put my sensors on the ground and they are at least 6 inches below the floor.  All my sensors are right side up if that matters (3/4 sensors)

I had the problem with the height gradually changing. I was getting taller and taller.
I moved my back sensor about 30cm, ran the setup again and all was fixed.
I don't know if the setup is temperamental, and just rerunning it a 2nd time fixed it. Or the changes in this update has changed something about my sensor. I dare not move it again because the glitching made me quite sick.

Another little quirk of this update was the part of setup where you hold the touch at eye level and squeeze the trigger. With my original good tracking sensor setup of the last 2 months, i am unable to have the controller acknowledged by the sensors. I tried a few times and had to skip each time. Restarts included.
So it seems i am unable to use my original sensor setup this time. I have had to modify the position of the back sensor.

Fingers crossed it is working good again. Just thought id share my experience.
I have noticed that on both patches i have been able to recreate the height, spiral, and floating hand glitches and both times it has been to do with the sensor positions. 

I had to reset my sensor calibration & guardian 3 times since the update. First two times I got thrown out of Guardian & my playspace, in addition to becoming ridiculously tall. The 3rd time I was just ridiculously tall. 

Heroic Explorer
I tried mine using the recommended (3 sensor) two USB 3 and one USB 2 and it was better than it has ever been but still not really great. I have been using it with one in a USB 3 and two in USB 2's (headset in a 3) and it has been pretty solid. I switched back to this setup and it seems fine. No worse than before. Need more time to see if it's better though.

Same, but I have possibly an improvement. I didn't have the height quick glitch I usually had once or 2 per hours. I need to test longer to be sure.

Edit : front-facing setup.

“Dreams feel real while we are in them, it's only when we wake up that we realize something was strange.” - Dom Cobb

"Be careful, if you are killed in real life you die in VR too." - TD_4242

I7 10700K,  RTX 4070 TI Super, 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz, Oculus Rift CV1 and Quest 3

Not applicable
i just have this micro jumps during the tracking, and sometimes when i turn surroundings have displacements, like you have a table left of you and when you turn left the image just goes forth and back

Heroic Explorer

Phil007 said:

I had the problem with the height gradually changing. I was getting taller and taller.
I moved my back sensor about 30cm, ran the setup again and all was fixed.
I don't know if the setup is temperamental, and just rerunning it a 2nd time fixed it. Or the changes in this update has changed something about my sensor. I dare not move it again because the glitching made me quite sick.

Another little quirk of this update was the part of setup where you hold the touch at eye level and squeeze the trigger. With my original good tracking sensor setup of the last 2 months, i am unable to have the controller acknowledged by the sensors. I tried a few times and had to skip each time. Restarts included.
So it seems i am unable to use my original sensor setup this time. I have had to modify the position of the back sensor.

Fingers crossed it is working good again. Just thought id share my experience.
I have noticed that on both patches i have been able to recreate the height, spiral, and floating hand glitches and both times it has been to do with the sensor positions. 

All of my sensors are mounted high on the walls.  I have no ability to move them back any further haha.  Ran the setup 3 or 4 times last nightbefore giving up

Rising Star
It feels better so far for me.

Heroic Explorer
Touch tracking seems to be the same for me. 
But overall it got worse, because I do now have that height bug. Everytime I start/restart Oculus Home, it gives me a random floor height, and sometimes it changes while I'm moving around in my playspace.
A bit annoying tbh
I have a 3 senor setup with wallmounts. 3m x 2,5m

Honored Visionary
What is this patch supposed to do? Is this the patch that's supposed to make tracking much better or is this the first patch? I'm a bit confused given that it seems to have made things much worse for people with more then two sensors. I think Oculus needs to decide what they want the Rift to do and leave the experimental side in the lab. If they want to support room scale why don't they test it within Oculus before releasing it to the public? Are they using completely different computers to everyone else or are they looking to make just a two sensor setup better? Where are the patch notes so I can then take a look at them to see what the patch is supposed to fix.