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How is your tracking since 1.11 patch?

Heroic Explorer
Posted this on reddit forum but this place may give more accurate results.

Well I had the height glitch really badly before the patch which post patch has completely fixed the issue for me. I have though experienced the slowly gaining height bug, first noticed in Super Hot where it felt like I grew 8ft tall! I reset the height and it hasn't happened since.  Touch tracking is is for the most part ok.

2 sensors and still rock solid thank god.
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

Floor height is off, I never had this before the patch. I'm very tall now which is annoying and cumbersome to reset..

3 sensor setup here.

Before patch 1.11
  • No microstutters
  • No height change issues
  • Sometimes i'd get the circular motion with either of the controllers when my hand was still, but rare
  • Right hand starts to elastic band all over the place after a while. Seemingly worse when playing Audioshield through steam. Got so bad I would have to quit Steam VR and restart it
  • Hands jump when tracking switches between sensors
  • Facing rear third sensor, tracking seemed consistent with other two front sensors

After patch 1.11
  • Micro stutters sometimes
  • Not seen any height issues yet
  • Not seen any circular motion when hands are still
  • Right hand is significantly improved in terms of floating away. It still does this, but it's nowhere near as exagerated and it seems to fix itself again after moving the controller. This is a HUGE improvement for gameplay in Audioshield!
  • Hands still jumping when tracking switches between sensors. Doesn't seem any better or worse than before the patch
  • Facing rear third sensor is now worse tracking than before. Both hands elastic band in all directions and then jump back. Only small distances, but this didn't happen anywhere near as bad as this before the patch
So for me, the significantly improved floating right hand means this patch is overall better in my opinion. Some things are worse, but I consider them less important to me right now.

I really hope ALL these issues can be fixed in software though!

Honored Visionary
Two sensors, 360 degree setup is totally ruined by this patch. My left hand is jumping all over the place and I'm getting up and down movement in the Oculus home. God knows what this is going to be like in games if it's as bad as this in Oculus home. So is that the two sensor 360 degree experiment over with now? Can I have the other patch back?

Edit: It's a toss up now between getting a third sensor which is worse according to the poll, or doing away with the two sensor 360 experiment. I might have to go two front facing again and if that fails go with 1 sensor and send Oculus touch back. 

Can someone tell me if this is the first Feb patch or the second? Also, are you suppose to run through the Oculus setup again after the patch?

If you're having tracking issues, I'd definitely suggest re-running setup. If it's still lousy, then two front-facing might be better than opposing corners. 

Edit: This is the first February patch that was meant for January, but we don't know anything about what's planned for the second February patch. 

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

Try my game: Cyclops Island Demo

Heroic Explorer
I really hope they can applay a hotfix or rollback for this patch soon.  I really don't expect to wait another month for a fix especially with the height bug it is a game breaking bug for pretty much any touch games.


vanfanel said:

I really hope they can applay a hotfix or rollback for this patch soon.  I really don't expect to wait another month for a fix especially with the height bug it is a game breaking bug for pretty much any touch games.

Yeah, I haven't played with my Rift much the last couple of days because having to redo sensor calibration & guardian after every couple of games is just too much. 

How did this showstopper got through beta? 

Honored Visionary

nalex66 said:

If you're having tracking issues, I'd definitely suggest re-running setup. If it's still lousy, then two front-facing might be better than opposing corners. 

Edit: This is the first February patch that was meant for January, but we don't know anything about what's planned for the second February patch. 

I just ran the setup again and the tracking is terrible if I'm honest. I didn't have this when I setup 360 with two sensors just days ago. I got a bit of jumping in two corners of my room near to the sensors, but that was no problem because I had no need to move to that part of my room in games. Now if I stand still my hands jump about and the room moves up and down in Oculus Home. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place now, according to the poll 3 sensors are even worse and 4 sensors is a no go area. I'm going to have to try two front facing again, but I'm not confident this patch will even make this work the way it should.

Edit: Are the people voting on the 2 sensors setup using 360 or front facing? The poll doesn't cover that question. The other thing about the poll is how do you fix something if the poll shows more in favour of something not working, but other people say it's better? Like in the case of 3 sensor poll Lolz.

Heroic Explorer
Im sad.  I wanna play but this height jumping and hand freak outs are killing it.

I would prefer a rollback if not a hotfix.