I'm sitting here very hard trying to enjoy technolust. And it seems really well done and like it will be a lot of fun. But I'm having problems with my eyes - that will be fixed when I get corrective lenses soon. But the other problem is RIFT HURTS MY FACE. Lots. >< It's the part that contacts my forehead - after about 30 minutes it feels like burning and if I continue my face goes numb! Not good ><
Now, I ordered a VR cover. It will ship in a couple of weeks. But I was wondering if any of you had anything like that yet, and if so does it make a difference in the comfort? Overall I find the headset comfortable, except that one spot.
BTW Technolust really seems like the first truly artistic experience I've seen in VR. It's really nice.
By the sounds of it, you have to fastened too tightly too your head. I don't have a rift yet, but a lot of people were saying you can wear it very loose. perhaps it will help 🙂
All the best!!
ps - i would be getting a cover anyway just for the hygiene factor.
hi is that hurts due to pressure or some sort of allergy to the foam?
if its the former, slacken it off a bit, the rift does not have to be super tight..... (if you have a big bonce (*edit note too self do not use slang..... I mean HEAD*) then not sure what you can do and have seen people say it is a problem)
if it is the latter then i imagine the vr cover will help.
edit... ninja'd!
Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂
Anyway, yes, it's pressure. But I've got the Rift about as loose as I can go - any looser and I will lose position and focus. I mean, you know how you have to focus on that green cross to find the sweet spot? Yeah any loser and I'll lose the sweet spot when I move my head.
The facial interface itself gets sweaty and hot but I can ignore that. The burning I described is an actual pain - not so easy to ignore!
Well, I will try to loosen it. I wish I could transfer some of that pressure to the bottom of the headset - it's all on top. The Rift can move on that angle but I can't seem to get it right.
if your skin is burning it sounds like a allergic reaction to the foam some how :'( Maybe Oculus treat the foam with some chemical that you are allergic too? Have you tried cleaning the foam to maybe get rid of whatever it is your allergic too (https://support.oculus.com/help/oculus/527590650748621?sr=2&query=cleaning&sid=0Q5z9zell6RzQf5mW)
If you find it stops happening when you get your VR Cover then its definitely some kind of allergic reaction!
I used VR Covers on the DK2 and they were great. The default foam was a bit itchy and also I didn't want it to get gross (the covers you can chuck in the wash, they sort of look like weird socks at a glance).
It had a slight effect on the padding, but not much. I guess one thing you could do is once it's fitted stuff it with additional padding of your own making. If I were to do that I'd probably roll up a few bits of tissue or something as a cheap instant-experiment.
If as others have mentioned you are having a reaction to the default foam the cover would probably solve that as well. I've never heard it described as burning before, if I wear the DK2 too tight it sort of aches after a while, and for me that's on my cheekbones. I get the same thing with headphones around the tips of my ears or the top of my head, it sort of aches after a while if they're putting pressure in the "wrong" place.
@FrozenPea - no it's not that kind of burning. It's an internal burning, like if you hit your funny bone. I.E. it's from pressure on a nerve. I know this pain very well as I have a pinched nerve in my back. That's also why it goes numb after a while.
I changed the way I wear the Rift a little and it did help, but it's still not solved. But I basically tilted it forward on that angle and put some of the pressure to my lower face. It did help for sure. The foam on CV1 is kinda not soft and has edges, so I'm hoping VR cover will mitigate the rest.
Ahhh I see, well if the VR Cover for the CV1 is anything like it was the DK2 its sooooo comfy! It's like having a pillow on your face 😄 so that should hopefully sort it!