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How to convert your Oculus Rift CV1 in to a fully functional Santa Cruz


I finished this earlier and wrapped up a lengthy Lone Echo session while standing in my kitchen! Details below,

Oculus has revealed that actually the Rift CV1 had been designed to be a
device able to work both as a tethered device (as we normally use it)
and as a standalone device. Follow these simple instructions:

  1. Connect your Oculus Rift to the PC and open Oculus application;
  2. Open the system registry (Win+R, then type Regedit)
  3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software.
  4. Right click on the Software folder > New > Key and name the new folder “Oculus”
  5. Right click on the Oculus folder > New > DWORD 32bit Value and name it SantaCruzMode
  6. Set the value to 1

The rest of the detailed instructions can be followed here:


Heroic Explorer
I thought Vive Pro was the April fool's day VR joke.

Honored Visionary
When I first saw the thread, I thought he has to be wrong. I'd forgot about April 1st, so I was just out to try and prove you wrong LOL. Seeing all the reistery tweaks had me believing this for a second and I click on the link LOL..