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How to move Oculus install to second drive?

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My boot 480GB SSD has an 184GB Oculus folder, How do I reinstall on my 😧 drive and I guess that means I need to reinstall everything? 

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on my D drive I meant

The Oculus software does NOT like exchanging drives or changing partitions around even if the drive names stay the same. But the fix is easy:

Deinstall Oculus from Programs/Software.
Then re-install Oculus again (download/run setup from their site) and specify where your games/apps are. (In my case G:\Oculus)
It will then re-read everything you already downloaded/installed.

Then go to your Oculus library from the software (not in VR) and then you see the icons for your stuff, but not 100% installed yet. Click on one, "Finish Install"  and then it will finish the install of all your software in one go. (Takes a little, and Oculus is then unresponsive for a minute or so and then it will pop-up all these things on your taskbar like "XYZ finished installing".) Give it a minute or so and it becomes responsive again.

So you do actually not lose anything and you also don't have the re-download stuff. (That is, assuming you copied the content from your old HD to the new one and it's still on the drive)

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Thanks for the response I was able to move the games to another drive. So the trick is to copy the Software\Software folder to a new drive first and then uninstall and rerun setup and point to the location of the copied files and then open the Oculus software and under software not installed click on each to install and they will all queue up and then at the end click on one of them to finish install and its done!

There is another "trick" you can do, like when you run out of space. I in fact *just* did this.
Go to your old folder, like in my case G:\Oculus and copy (from Windows) the entire folder to your new drive. (Eg. you make a new K:\Oculus folder on your new drive).

Now, delete the entire old G:\Oculus folder

In Windows, go into CMD, CD to your old drive (where you just deleted your Oculus folder) make a Symbolic Link (in this case a Directory Junction) to the folder on your new drive, like:

MKLINK /J Oculus K:\Oculus

It then creates the link in the old folder but it points to the location on your new drive.

For Oculus and the OS, it looks like the old folder but physically the stuff is now on the new drive. And it doesn't require a reinstall.

Edit: And HECK I just got another 250GB SSD and the both 250GB SSDs are almost full again, thanks mostly to 100GB which my Prepare3D folder alone takes. Now take 35GB or so BF4, 35GB Tomb Raider etc...then Oculus downloads just crazy what games/apps need nowadays.

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basically you are fucked!


To get Oculus to see already downloaded games:

1. Optional: Make a symlink of the Oculus directory (see flexy123's comment above)
2. Drop your existing games from backup/Software directory into the new NewDrive:\Oculus\Staging directory
3. Relaunch the Oculus App, navigate to library and hit the download button


So, I have 2 drives on my computer and I had used VRbackupper to move to the secondary. After which, everything seemed to be working fine--until I downloaded some new games and they didn't install. After troubleshooting this I was able to get the new game to work, but then every other app/game reported "not installed". For the life of me I couldn't get it to work. I even uninstalled the Oculus app and re-installed it, pointed at my secondary drive. I also tried all the different symlinks and tricks (basically, everything listed above), though, still, I was unable to get the Oculus app to recognize my games.

I realized that I needed to make a symlink for the entire Oculus directory from my primary drive to my secondary drive, like flexy123 does in the comment above (just to get them off my primary, which is currently running out of space).

After this I still had the same issue though. I could now download new games or re-download games I already bought, but with my crap internet that would have taken eons. I tried dropping the game files from my backup folder into the Software folder(s). Even restarted my computer after but still no luck.

However, after some tests and sanity checks I realized that if you drop your game folders into D :\Oculus\Staging and then relaunch the Oculus app and hit the install button, that Oculus sees the game as if it is downloaded and then proceeds with the rest of the "install". So, at least in January of 2018 it seems like Oculus has a little extra road block in the way. But, after adding already downloaded into the right path I was able to get my games back at a fraction of the time it would have taken otherwise.

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No uninstalling/reinstalling is necessary. No symlinks are required.

1. Copy (rather than move) all of your installed Oculus games/software to a new folder.

2. In the Oculus Home software:  Settings > General > Edit Library Locations

3. Click the "Add Location" button, navigate to your new location and select it (click "Select Folder"). At this point, it will scan the folder and show number of installed apps under the column "Apps".

4. Set the new location as default by clicking the 3 dots on the right and "Make Default"

5. Select the original location in the list and using the 3 dots, select "Remove From List".

The new (copied) location should include folders named Manifest, Downloads, Software and Staging.

Now, you should be good to go. Test to make sure it is all as expected and then don't forget to delete all the files in the old location that you're not using any more.

Honored Guest
So none of the above worked for me.  I got an error that said it had to have minimum GB (which it did) and had to be NTFS (which it was).  I did all the admin cmd tricks above nothing worked.  I ended up going into diskmgmt.msc and seeing the difference between my disks.  One was Basic, one was Dynamic.  I didn't need the info on my Dynamic drive so I deleted the volume.  Once you do that you can right click the Disk at the bottom and "convert from dynamic to basic".  Once you have done that you can recreate a partition it will be Basic.  Then copy the cmd stuff from above and it works.  

I imagine there are other similar ways maybe just adding another basic partition etc but the main thing is it has problems with Dynamic partitions.  

Beware if moving Beat Saber install to a new library on your PC.  It will NOT move your Custom Songs folder.  Copy / move your custom maps to a folder by hand, then move to the new library location after moving the game.  By default as of Dec 2020 the folder is deleted from the original library drive, and the contents not moved to the Recycle Bin!