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How to turn off oculus

Honored Guest
Hi I recently got my oculus and I am wondering how to turn off oculus even when im on pc playing non vr games. I leave all the cords and usbs plugged in but i close oculus home does that make it turn off?

Heroic Explorer
No, you need to stop the services as well. The Oculus Tray Tool (sticky here in the forum) can help with starting and stopping these services (and Oculus Home itself) for you.

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There's no need to turn it off, the Rift and sensors sleep when not being used. If you want to completely turn the Rift off just disconnect it from the USB port it's plugged into, but there's really no need to.

Honored Guest

snowdog said:

There's no need to turn it off, the Rift and sensors sleep when not being used. If you want to completely turn the Rift off just disconnect it from the USB port it's plugged into, but there's really no need to.

Yeah dude, there will never come a single situation where you'd want to actually turn off your VR, so don't even think about it! 

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ajg420 said:

Yeah dude, there will never come a single situation where you'd want to actually turn off your VR, so don't even think about it! 

However, if you really find a reason that compels you to turn it off, you can unplug it.


Honored Guest

snowdog said:

There's no need to turn it off, the Rift and sensors sleep when not being used. If you want to completely turn the Rift off just disconnect it from the USB port it's plugged into, but there's really no need to.

However, I have noticed the mic continues to pick up sound and often my voice and I'm sure the sensors on the Rift S still operate so it's sometimes sending my voice to other apps that might have access to the mic at any given time. Which has actually happened. Just sayin. I realize I can mute the mic and a half dozen other things but I would like for the headset to power down when not in use.