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I can’t imagine a gaming future without VR…

Honored Guest
Imagine it’s 2045 and games look somewhat better than they do now, but VR never existed and we’re still playing the same stuff on the same little screens.
doesn’t that sound insanely boring?
We would be playing the same stuff for years with tiny improvements on graphics and monetization tactics.
We need the next step, reinvent gaming just as “3d” did, some just don’t know it yet.

Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

This is such an interesting discussion point!

I'm not going to lie, I do absolutely love my boring 2D games whether it's on my PC or one of my consoles. That being said though, I am constantly in awe of VR. It is such a fundamentally different experience to be in a game, instead of just playing it. The different methods of gameplay and everything else that comes with the world of VR feels like it just keeps growing too.

I think over the coming years VR is going to keep getting better and higher quality, in addition to continuing to become more and more common as a platform for gaming. 

What I'm looking forward to the most though is whatever comes next! There was a time when people didn't know video games would ever be what they are now, not to mention the entire invention of VR. What's the next big thing going to be? Where is gaming going next?

Make sure you smash that Kudos button!