I was using my hackatron on something to get supplies and it just disappeared. I'm not sure if you can take peoples items because I think someone stole it some dude named EvileBob appeared and my hackatron disappeared from the machine and he just left the game. Do I start a new game and get all my items back? Again I just started playing, I've only put an hour into the game and still trying to figure everything out if anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it.
You find hackatrons everywhere. You can't buy them.
They're like random loot so it's possible to get very very unlucky. Keep in mind that there are different hackatron levels. You need a higher hackatron for higher level terminals. You have a probability of a successful hack. Your chances are better with the higher level hackatrons. You'll see the probability displayed.
If it's your last hackatron don't do a low probability hack.
Sweet thanks I really appreciate it. I'm still kind of confused about whats going on in the game but it looks sick and I'm excited to play more. But good to know its not lost forever lol
The best way to get Hackatron's is to do Bot missions. The Bots tend to drop the Level 3 and 4 Hackatrons.
Hacking is the key to victory in this game (returning to Earth and fighting the Aliens). It's the best way to get extra loot, which comes in handy for upgrading your Ship and Crew.
If you have trouble beating the game feel free to message me. I love completing this game, and have done it several times.