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If you own rift and quest does anyone believe like I do that you will use the quest more?

I own rift, Playstation vr, and go. Last night on the rift I had a blast playing hellblade  and fallout out four. But there are things I hate to do. Contacts I never owned until the rift. I despise  the process of putting them in etc. But my love for vr is 2nd to none. Then move the coffee table, put up barrier so I don't smash my new TV like I did my other one. Put 3 shelve tables around living room. Place cameras. Then put away everything after. No other options for me. Then Omg the contact in one eye folded when I tried to remove and got stuck in my eye. AHHHHHHH! True I couldn't Play fallout 4  with the quest. I find myself using Playstation vr and go a lot  more than the rift because of easy of use. I also believe things will change again when the rift s comes and it has inside out tracking and can fit glasses comfortably 

Heroic Explorer
Raw power is not important.  Immersion is everything.  And inside-out tracking enables much more immersion.

The only way the Rift can compete with Quest is if they give it inside-out tracking and then attach it to mobile compute like a backpack PC.  Otherwise Quest is better.

Not applicable
I may well buy a Quest as I am sure I would enjoy some of the games for it, but would never approach the amount of time I spend in VR with my Rift.
PC-VR is first and foremost for me, mainly due to flight sims.

Dburne is the type of gamer I'm taking about when I say it depends on the games u like. Even if quest has for example endspace, my flight stick won't work on it. let's say the rift s has 130 fov and inside tracking it would be harder for me to do the same games in quest even with the wires the rift s would have.