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Indie Gala 10 VR games for $3

Rising Star
Just seen this VR bundle from Indie Gala and thought it might be worth a share here. No idea what the games are like but 10 games for $3 I thought id take a punt.

Rising Star
Wee bump as theres just over 6 hours left to get this bundle, Not had a chance to try any of the games yet, so cant really comment if the games are any good or not. They come as 10 individual codes so you can try and trade or giveaway any you dont want.

Expert Protege
Thanks for mentioning this. I'm even on Indiegala's mailing list and looking at what I've got over the last few weeks this bundle doesn't seem to have been mentioned. I think it has more time than you thought, though--I currently see it as having 1 day 5 hours for "special price", at which point it will go up to... something more.

A few of these are older and probably don't work on current drivers, and I see at least one is currently only for Vive. But as you say, it's $3.