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Is it ok to buy the DK2 now?

Honored Guest
Hello, I'm a fan of Virtual Reality, I've never tried oculus before, but I've been following it since it started a couple of years ago.

I can't wait any longer, that's why I ordered a OR DK2 today, however I'm not a developer.

My only concern is, the consumer version could be around the corner, and I will buy that for sure... is it worth to buy the DK2 now? I still can cancel my order.

I thought that I could sell the DK2 as soon as the CR is announced... that way I don't lose that much money.
What do you think? :?:

Honored Guest
I think you are safe to order it right now, santa will deliver your CV1 next Christmas, if your good 8-)

Honored Guest
"Prodak" wrote:
Hello, I'm a fan of Virtual Reality, I've never tried oculus before, but I've been following it since it started a couple of years ago.

I can't wait any longer, that's why I ordered a OR DK2 today, however I'm not a developer.

My only concern is, the consumer version could be around the corner, and I will buy that for sure... is it worth to buy the DK2 now? I still can cancel my order.

I thought that I could sell the DK2 as soon as the CR is announced... that way I don't lose that much money.
What do you think? :?:

I would hold off on buying the dk2 from here... get it from eBay or a nearby craigslist ad... lots of people are waiting months for their dk2 and I've been waiting 3 weeks now and wished i had bought mine over craigslist for 30 dollars more.

best luck!

Honored Guest
"milianbenja088321" wrote:
"Prodak" wrote:
Hello, I'm a fan of Virtual Reality, I've never tried oculus before, but I've been following it since it started a couple of years ago.

I can't wait any longer, that's why I ordered a OR DK2 today, however I'm not a developer.

My only concern is, the consumer version could be around the corner, and I will buy that for sure... is it worth to buy the DK2 now? I still can cancel my order.

I thought that I could sell the DK2 as soon as the CR is announced... that way I don't lose that much money.
What do you think? :?:

I would hold off on buying the dk2 from here... get it from eBay or a nearby craigslist ad... lots of people are waiting months for their dk2 and I've been waiting 3 weeks now and wished i had bought mine over craigslist for 30 dollars more.

best luck!

Just keep in mind that if it breaks you're out of luck because you wont have the warranty that comes with buying it online on this website.

Honored Guest
If you are in Europe you might not have to wait very much. If you are in the US and willing to wait a month or so for your DK2, then I think you're good since I don't expect the CV1 to be ready for at least 6-7 months (summer 2015). It could be more time, perhaps at least until December 2015 (until Oculus amasses good stock and is able to ship en-masse) before you will get CV1 in your hands, so I don't think you will go wrong. I broke down and bough a DK2 because of that, I don't expect to have CV1 in my hands at least until jan 2016 given the demand we have seen.
Ordered: November 3 Ready: November 17 Processing: November 17 Shipped: November 19 Delivered: Est. November 24

Elite Dangerous is out soon.If you are into space sims that is reason enough to buy a DK2.
The problem: If youn't own a HOTAS yet you will buy one soon. :mrgreen:

Rising Star
I cant tell you how many times this has been discussed on these threads.
If youre not a developer and you haven't even tried the Oculus Rift, chances are good that you will be disappointed with the developers kit as an immersive experience. You need a pretty serious gaming rig to play the small handful of games developed for the Rift.

But you already bought it, so why am I still typing?
Not a Rift fanboi. Not a Vive fanboi. I'm a VR fanboi. Get it straight.

Honored Guest
I purchased one in September. I have an Alienware laptop with a 3.3ghz I7 processor and the GTX 765m. It's pretty beastly for a small laptop and chews through the latest titles in high definition. The DK2 put it in its place, however. The processing power needed to run 75+ fps is mind blowing, especially on unoptomized beta software. That being said, the latest build of Titans of Space runs silky smooth. Luckily, right now as I type this, UPS is flying me some sweet sweet overclocked goodness!