I don't know if there are any other people like myself that have large heads, lol, but honestly, my Rift just arrived and I am sure that once I have my pc back in action, I am going to have trouble with the fit. Sadly, I can't try things out right now because my Graphics card is out on a repair to XFX, so I don't know how long it will be before it arrives, but in opening the Rift and trying things on, my face is wider than the Rift allows, so it means I have a fairly large gap in the nose area that let's in tons of light, and unless I loosen the straps to very loose, the thing feels tight.
To this point, I had never considered that this could be an issue. I had always had to search long and hard for any sunglass's I'd buy as most simply weren't wide enough to fit me. For whatever reason though, I never considered that the Rift may have some fit issues. I don't think it will be an impossible situation to fix, I'm just hopeful that Oculus offers some options which I could use to remedy this. I don't know if there are any plans for different types of the cloth barriers that actually touch your face, or if they ever considered this to be an issue.
The problem isn't that I can't loosen the straps more, it's that the Rift itself has such a narrow area where your face sits that it's very hard to get my face inside that gap. I'm assuming the padding that touches your face will be replaceable, not having messed with it much, so I wondered if it would be possible to make a different sized pad, something with a section where the nose fits to cover more of the light bleeding in, as well as adding more material on the sides, so that the entire Rift sits a bit further out, but with the gaps still filled in.
The way it is right now it feels like the whole device is sort of just touching on my temples, so with time, it's sure to be annoying at the least if not totally uncomfortable after a short period of time. I know that it may get me a ton of jokes, lol, so I'm already waiting on the inevitable jokes:) I don't mind that, I just wonder if there is a possible solution to this. I don't think that I'll be able to place boards on my head in hopes of making my skull skinnier, so it would be incredibly great if there were a solution offered by Oculus, perhaps a pad that can be placed directly on the rift itself, something created by them so that it doesn't look Jerry Rigged and ruins the comfort or style of the current Rift.
Maybe it would have been helpful to have offered a different sized model, something made for those with wide heads in particular. I don't know how much of a problem this would be for others, or if it would be a common enough thing to make them care to invest in it, it's just that I would have loved for the option. Honestly, I can't imagine how I forgot that when I placed my order, and no clue if there would have been any concern for the few of us that are out here with this problem.
Thanks to anyone that may know more, perhaps there have been others asking about this which I haven't seen, but any help and info would be great.
There's also the issue where you can't realistically fit glasses more then 5.9 inch wide, and I can confirm it does ruin the experience, specially good at providing a devastating first time impression (which must have first time users suffering the issue running to buy a HTC Vive at game expos).
But the good news is that the CV1's front faceplate is removable, Oculus VR just failed to provide an alternative faceplate for it, so someone else might end up releasing one for them.
There's also the issue where you can't realistically fit glasses more then 5.9 inch wide, and I can confirm it does ruin the experience, specially good at providing a devastating first time impression (which must have first time users suffering the issue running to buy a HTC Vive at game expos).
But the good news is that the CV1's front faceplate is removable, Oculus VR just failed to provide an alternative faceplate for it, so someone else might end up releasing one for them.
Thank you so much for your attention! I know that my situation is bound to be unusual in regards to being able to test things out now that I have the unit in front of me, but never would I have assumed that I would experience a freak of nature thunderstorm just the month before I would be receiving my Rift. It has been such a tremendous letdown on the entire thing, but not at all due to Oculus. So far, everything has gone the way that I was told, no ordering difficulties, nothing negative. There was the wait, but that's ok considering were entering an entirely new way to play, as well as the other benefits of experiencing Virtual Reality!
But the issue with the fit was a complete shock. It just never crossed my mind, and I'm guessing the reason was that I always though that the headset would have a faceplate that was soft rubber to be extremely flexible and to accommodate all head and face sizes. I never thought it would be such a rigid material. The removable faceplate is a great feature, considering that over time, it's sure to get filthy with facial oils and sweat, but I am concerned that there may be fit issues even if third parties do release more shapes to go with the unit. What I mean by this is that I'm worried that the nose area is always going to be this giant gap on my face. Currently, I would have to find something fairly large to fill that unless I'd be using the headset with a huge amount of light bleeding into my headset. I don't think it would be a deal breaker, as I'd imagine a few cotton balls would cover it, but of course I'd love to not have to worry about stuffing cotton balls under my nose or in front to block the light. I'll have to take it out again and see if removing the faceplate offers a better fit, but requiring a total lack of padding to allow for a fit nearer my face.
I'm just extremely shocked that this wasn't something that they considered. Anyone with a large face is sure to understand the issue right away. I struggle to find sunglasses that fit my face to the point where I'd never order anything from an online retailer, because it's never been something I could solve in one go. I often have to visit multiple stores to find at least one pair that fits, and they are usually the ugliest and simplest design, lacking any styling and resembling the type of eyewear that you'd find on a factory floor which is used for eye protection and not style or functionality of blocking out the sun. Due to this alone, I would have thought that Oculus would have given that some time and attention so that users weren't in this exact spot. I would be utterly devistated if I spent six hundred dollars on something I couldn't use properly or with any regularity due to fitting issue's. I can imagine that within half an hour or little more, it would have put enough pressure on my temples to require me to take the headset off and take a significant break to relieve the pressure. At this point, I am not able to wear a high percentage of sunglasses due to the little pads that contact my nose. If the pair puts any pressure there at all, I get some strange sort of sensation where I feel a huge amount of pressure all around the area. I would love to be an average person with a narrower head, but that's just not something I can do.
How have you managed your Rift due to the limitation on the eyeglasses? Have you managed it by removing the faceplate? I hope you didn't have to return yours. I know that if the worst were to occur, I could sell it on Ebay, but that is something I hope to avoid at all costs. I'm the type of person who establishes a plan, "buying the Oculus Rift and not the competition!", and stick to it. I know I may not owe Oculus anything, but I feel that I do personally. Were it not for Palmer Lucky, I seriously doubt that there would be this explosion of VR tech from any other source. It may have been inevitable that someone give it a shot, but we don't know that with any certainty, so for that alone, I feel loyal to the Rift. In that, I hope that they are equally loyal to their fans and recognize that there are issue's of this type that they should explore as soon as they can and try to roll with the punches with potential solutions.