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Jurassic Park Project

Honored Guest
This guy is making a game called Jurassic Park: Aftermath using Cryengine. The game looks amazing !

How awesome would it be to see him add Oculus Rift support. I don't have a facebook account but I sent him a comment on Reddit. He knows about the Oculus but not sure if has tried it yet. I also let him know he should kickstart this project because I am pretty sure a lot of us in the VR/Jurassic Park community would love the oppurtunity to walk around in Jurassic Park.

If you all can, send him some email and request Oculus Rift support for this or even a demo for Share.


Here is his facebook page :

Actually that looks really cool! I would totally play that in vr or even just on monitor!
To bad about the lawyers though.... What lawyers you say? Just a matter of time. There's always lawyers when dealing with an existing property.

No way they would allow a kickstarter either as that could be considered profiting from others copyrighted work.

Really hope they don't shut it down like so many fan projects I have seen that looked amazing.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Facebook buying the Oculus Rift! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!

Honored Guest
Good point. I was thinking the same thing. He would have to get permission or keep it as a free demo. Much like trench run (Star Wars) demo.

Make a new engine for JP: Trespasser. That's legal because it uses a licensed game people already bought. Add Sixense support.

This seems really stupid, to be honest. Not the project itself, but the fact that it's branded as a Jurassic Park game. There is nothing about a dinosaur zoo experience that requires trademarked names and materials to be associated with it. And if you think it won't be bothered by copyright claims if it remains freeware, there are tons of free fan projects that have been taken down due to cease and desist orders. Content owners don't like projects that they have no control over being associated with their products, even if they aren't being sold.

Hopefully this guy sees reason and removes the references to Jurassic Park. I would love to see this as a VR experience.

They especially don't like it when the fan project looks better than their licensed projects. :lol:

Duke Nukem 3D - Reloaded

Fan remake of Duke Nukem 3D. Gearbox gave them a "personal non-commercial license" to Duke Nukem.
The game would be based on the Unreal Engine 3 and would not require any other game for it to run.

From Wikipedia:

The game has been put on an indefinite hold as of September 24, 2011, pending the resolution of differences between the Interceptor Entertainment team and Gearbox Software due to ambiguity on whether or not the finished product would actually be allowed to see release.

Schreiber spoke out on the delay in 2013, stating in an interview published in the July issue of the Danish video-game magazine, gameplay, that it was a direct result of Duke Nukem Forever's disappointing reception. He elaborated, "The problem was that Reloaded, in its then present state, was both a prettier and better game than Forever was. So they [Gearbox] could under no circumstances allow us [Interceptor] to publish it, show it, or do anything at all with it, because it would destroy the sales-opportunities they had left in Forever."

Aliens vs Marines

Cryengine 3 fan project squashed by Fox who owns the rights and had their own Aliens game AvP3 coming out.

Space Quest 7

Killed after several years working on it by lawyers protecting an IP no one seems to be working with anymore.

Square Enix Kills Near Complete Chrono Trigger Fan Project

EA went after Ultima projects... Because they are so heavily invested in the franchise :evil:

Etc... etc...
Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Facebook buying the Oculus Rift! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!

And that's another thing, people tend to think with these projects that have been in development for months or years that if the content owner had a problem with them, they would have shut them down by now, but what tends to happen is they wait until all the buzz and media attention comes in as the project is nearing completion, and then they issue the Cease and Desist, presumably to get the media attention for their IP.

Honored Guest
It's worth mentioning this isn't going to be a full game or anything,it was started as a cryengine learning project with Jurassic park as the setting just to keep personal interest in it going and has only really be worked on for a 2-3 months in total.

I'm not sure it has to be a full game, I think a lot of people, myself included, would be very interested to see a demo that just had well modeled and animated dinosaurs rendered to scale that we could just walk around and observe, you don't need to make it any more complicated than that to create a compelling VR experience.

Honored Guest
At the moment it's a condensed sort of area,it's pretty much a nice little thing to explore and that's what I'm aiming to share. If I had rift I'd be all over it,I use Unity a fair bit and have a couple projects I've worked on I'd love to test it with but I cant see me getting it anytime soon to be honest .You know there was a guy on here that was making jurassic park? that's the reason I joined a while back but I think he must've stopped working on it.