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[LIST IN PROGRESS] DK2 "Must-have" experiences

Honored Guest
Must-Have Experiences in the DK2

Elite : Dangerous This list begins with a game that is extraordinary even outside of the DK2,
With incredible graphics, 50+ systems, Advanced landing scenarious and an incredible Dev team
You don't want to miss out on experiencing this in VR!
Note; Some people have reportedly shed a tear upon seeing this beauty in VR!

- Link; Will add links when home from work, damned blockers!

Helix Rollercoaster A game that was brilliant even in DK1 has only gotten better with DK2,
An immersive and built to scale replica of an incredible rollercoaster with great soundtrack
and the ability to repeat as many times as you like by returning to the station, this is well
worth your time!

- Link; Will add links when home from work, damned blockers!

Cyber Space is a rollercoaster that is graphically amazing and gives you the immersion of Sitting in it and get shot in the Air.
*thank you Arcon

- Link;

Technolust is an awesome Techdemo in a futuristic neon city with some cyberpunk elements. Kinda an Adventure Game but within its atmospheric brilliant immersion.
*thank you Arcon

- Link;

Couch Knights A game made in the Unreal 4 Engine, availalbe to all who download the engine in the startup / marketplace menu. Play as a guy sat on a couch with a controller in their hand (just like real life). The trick is to watch as a realistic lounge scene is torn apart by little chibi knights you control to kill one another! Capable of networking with one other player for assured Multiplayer Mayhem!
*thank you rmcclelland

- Link; Will add links when home from work, damned blockers!

I have been spending more and more time with my fellow devs on these forums and have wanted to offer something usefull to all of you for some time. I realise a thread or two like this may already exist, however none of them have remained near the top of the page for very long.

With your help I want to compile a list that holds all of the best experiences around for the DK2, game like Elite Dangerous, where just looking around the inside of a station has brought a tear to many eyes already.

If you have the time, please just take a minute out of your day to post the name of the game, a link to either it's website or to the download, and a short review with a few pros and cons.

Thank you for contributing to this amazing virtual world!

Cyber Space is a rollercoaster that is graphically amazing and gives you the immersion of Sitting in it and get shot in the Air.


Technolust is an awesome Techdemo in a futuristic neon city with some cyberpunk elements. Kinda an Adventure Game but within its atmospheric brilliant immersion.

DK2 Info: Order ID: FM-1042XXX | Date: Mar 19, 2014 09:53 AM PDT | Status: Delivered (04.08)

Honored Guest
I attempted to update the post with Arcon's replies but it says the post has been flagged as spam, can somebody help me here?

Fixed it 😃

ocean Rift

alone in the rift

(imo dont google video either of them just put rift in extended mode and then play the direct to rift exe!!)

there are others but these are my 2 faves not already listed

ps is that not what this forum is for?

Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂

Honored Guest
This list is a gread idea.
Looking forward to see more 😉

Honored Guest
"Kingpin" wrote:
This list is a gread idea.
Looking forward to see more 😉

Thank you Kingpin ^^

Honored Guest
"bigmike20vt" wrote:
ocean Rift

alone in the rift

(imo dont google video either of them just put rift in extended mode and then play the direct to rift exe!!)

there are others but these are my 2 faves not already listed

ps is that not what this forum is for?


Thank you for the suggestions, however, if you could write a short review as to why these games a great to begin your DK2 life that would be awesome! =D

Rising Star
Are these all built with the new SDK?

Honored Guest
"Dreamwriter" wrote:
Are these all built with the new SDK?

I can confirm that Elite:Dangerous, Helix and Cyberspace work on the DK2 with all features intact, whether this means they are built with the new SDK or not I do not know, but you should have no trouble playing them. As for Technolust I am not sure 😃 Hope this helps!

Honored Guest
I get major stuttering in elite dangerous and technolust. Am I the only one?