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Linux Coding in VR

Honored Guest


So I got myself a Quest3 and been looking at solutions for coding in VR. I found both vrdesktop and immersed but apparently immersed is the only one supporting Linux. Is this currently all there is in this area? Or are there any alternatives I missed of streaming my Linux desktop in VR?





In the large, this is just about it on the Quest lineup.  You see...Meta's not exactly...helpful...when it comes to Linux and VR.  Actively hostile for an OS they use a LOT of internally for servers, etc.


@MadScientist_42 wrote:

Actively hostile for an OS they use a LOT of internally for servers

This has NOTHING to do with the reason they probably will never support Linux, the issue is simple, too many different DE, WM and so on, so to make something work, they should even ship the entire PC to work correctly with a VR.
Linux on servers is fantastic, but on desktop, it sucks (these are Linus Torvalds words, not only mines) due to the fragmentation of projects and the moltitude of truly different integrations of the same thing by multiple independent devs.


Anyway actually the best solution would be to install xpra on the server and create a client launcher for XPRA for the Quest, but actually there are no 100% working clients for Android.
XPRA doesn't show the desktop, but single apps, so imagine opening multiple apps with each one it's own window floating around...

I love linux, I sincerely use it really a lot, but not for GUI based stuff and I understand why Meta didn't put effort in it.

I'm just a random geek