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Linux Support???

Honored Guest

I'm really disappointed that I wasted $400 on a Rift S just for it to become a paper-weight since I don't want to use Windows on my computer. I have no clue why a multi-billion dollar company can't afford to support more than one operating system.

I'm by no means expecting perfect support with no performance issues or hiccups on the less popular OS's, but having the headset be COMPLETELY UNUSABLE is not at all excusable. Just let me use the headset, and I'll do the optimizing myself. It's pretty embarrassing that Valve, a company valued at $8 billion, can comfortably support Linux and Windows almost flawlessly on their headsets, but Oculus, which is owned by Meta, a company valued at $572 billion can only support Windows.

I understand the tone may seem harsh, but as someone who spent $400 dollars on the thing, I should have the right to use it on whatever computer I see fit even with less than desirable performance.


Honored Guest

I ended up caving and just picking up another headset, however for people still using the Oculus family of headsets on Linux. OpenHMD is about all I can find for any level of support, though depending on your headset the level of support becomes worse. If you have the DEVKit headsets you obviously don't need this comment, seeing as how before Facebook owned this brand the headsets worked on Linux. 

Also, the "Just use Windows" comment. I normally would be inclined to agree if the brand name itself when it was a Kickstarter didn't advert that it would support Linux. Facebook legitimately makes more than enough to hire some software engineers specializing in GNU Linux support.

Source of claim made: Oculus Rift: Step Into the Game by Oculus — Kickstarter

@BnuuyDoot wrote:

have you considered just using windows for games? You're digging yourself a hole in the ground by continuing to use Linux. I get it, windows sucks, but you're much more limited with what you can do on Linux.  Do with this information what you will, but I can't see support for Linux coming any time soon. Alternatively, you can choose to do without PCVR until support arrives, whenever that may be.

I'm sorry, but you don't really seem to have much of a clue. With Lutris, Steam Deck, etc., Linux now gets pretty good support for many games. Furthermore, it should be more than possible for a billion dollar company to support Linux distros, such like the very common ones like Ubuntu and Fedora. Windows 10 and Windows 11, on the other hand, are now revealing themselves to be real data octopuses and I wouldn't want to have such an operating system on my PC. As soon as the support for Windows 10 ends and Windows 11 takes over, everyone will also have to use a Microsoft account to be able to fully use the operating system. Then, unfortunately, "use Windows only for games" will no longer work and I will be forced to give my data to Microsoft. No thanks. Not happening.

@user_901925786032222 wrote:

Agreed. It's not as though the Rift was sold under the pretence of supporting linux. Spending that much money and just assuming it will support everything you want it to is pretty entitled.

Yes, the Rift was not sold under the pretence of supporting Linux. But that's a pretty weak and evasive argument as to why it's still not possible for Meta to simply support other operating systems not named Windows. (Hell, it doesn't even support MacOS, which is 2nd rank after Windows) Like c'mon. We're in 2022. Most games and applications these days even support at least MacOS out-of-the-box as additional OS. All of this should be possible, especially, again, for a billion dollar company that has more than enough money to gain the resources necessary to program and develope these applications. And if anything, the open source community is gladly open for helping with development. That Linux gains more and more recognition and support is evident by the fact the companies like Microsoft have WSL to let Windows run Linux programs (most likely Docker), Apple making Rosetta 2 work in Linux VM guest systems, Google working on Fuchsia's binary compatibility to run Linux code on their own (likely proprietary) kernel, Valve working on Steam OS, etc.


Nobody is entitled here to anything, but in 2022, companies should definitely be able to support cross-platform applications. There are more than enough frameworks available, such like Electron, that allow the building of applications that can be cross-compiled and run on Windows, MacOS and Linux. It's time to go forward in time and not backwards.


Honored Guest

Maybe they can't get enough data from you on Linux??? I don't know, but it seems weird that with so many billions investing they can't get multiplatform, I can program multiplatform without any budget from my home pretty easily with all this technology that we have today, weird that Meta can't do it with BILLIONS!!! of dollars spent in development.

Linux is pretty common for developers and power users and now that they are promoting productivity with Quest Pro and Horizon and others things, how can they ignore Linux???

Considering that there's less differences in behaviors with Linux distributions such that I was able to ship for 30 differing distributions, supporting 32 and 64 birs back when I was part of the Humble Indie Bundle #2 group...I consider the take there to be a lark.

Wine will let you play long as you have an OpenXR title and proper drivers. There's not really stable Oculus drivers from the community.  They work.  Mostly.   The PSVR hacked onto a PC works better and more reliably right at this moment.  

Have you considered holding your breath?   It's immature and RUDE to make such remarks Seriously.   GROW.  UP.

It's not like you even knew.  The Rift when it was about to come out very much was promised for Linux and MacOS and at the 11th hour, the effort was suspended never to return.

Try learning a bit of the actual truth and history before opening your mouth and telling people WHOPPERS.

The Rift S?  Nope.   The Rift?  I deeply wish people would QUIT lying about it. Seriously