Hey, I already have really light micro scratches, they're only visible under direct light and from a specific angle
and I don't think that any cleaning method would prevent the lenses from getting more scratches. Air is not strong enough to blow the dust away (especially not the small particles) and even a lens brush couldn't remove the small particles.
And since there is no real lens protector available right now, I thought that a Liquid glass protector might remove small scratches and harden the lenses, with the additional benefit of a slight water and oil repellent attribute.
But the Liquid glass uses alcohol and I don't know how resistant the lenses are / which plastic was used. Some people seem to have used alcohol based lens cleaners without destroying their lenses, but I don't want to risk it.
Does someone know, which plastic is used for the lenses, tested alcohol on it or has (for whatever reason) some spare lenses ?
I don't have any scratches or issues for about 2 weeks now and I just use a microfiber lens cloth to wipe it... if that can't get it off alone I simple breathe on it before wiping. No issues so far, do you wear glasses in them?
Vrlenslab.com sells nonprescription and pescrption lens covers. That's the answer.I have them on order. I also bought lens cleaner that doesnt contain alcohol which I haven't used yet and I'm trying not to use. Im trying to stick with a dry micro cloth. The micro scraches will not effect visuals on the rift. When I had my VR gear that uses the phone I had a big scratch and to my surprise it didn't effect visuals in the slightest.
I don't wear glasses and I have a lens cleaning kit, that I use to clean the lenses. Have you checked with a flashlight, that you dont't have micro scratches, otherwise they're not visible ?
The prescription lenses don't seem to be the perfect solution and even though the scratches don't affect the visuals, I would like to have them gone and the lenses protected. It's more of a mental thing.