Why don't they give use an option to have low persistence set to 60Hz? I have a good rig and already struggle to get a constant 75FPS, so I'm not sure what's going to happen when CV1 comes out and requires 90FPS for low persistence. With games like Assetto Corsa, I'm already having to dumb down the graphics quite a bit in order to reach 75fps, so I suspect I'll have to reduce them even more when CV1 comes out.
The Gear VR uses 60Hz Low persistence, so isn't there a way to give use 60 Hz low persistence on the Rift? I prefer to have no judder rather then anything else. My DCS World would be so smooth if this was set at 60Hz, instead of all the horrible judder I experience trying to get 75FPS. I think it's going to be unplayable at 90Hz, unless I use a graphics setting that resembles something like Space invaders. .
I think this is one of the reasons Oculus are delaying CV1, without 60Hz people need top end rigs for good performance. >;{}
Everything I do, is for the sake of evil. Almost>;{}
Tianhe-2|1,375 TiB|12.4 PB|OS Kylin Linux|VR Input Marmalade Jars
All my "POSTs" in this forum are fictitious. Any resemblance to real "FACTs", living or dead, is a miracle. 😉
"Skelator" wrote: I think this is one of the reasons Oculus are delaying CV1, without 60Hz people need top end rigs for good performance. >;{}
They will be waiting forever if they are waiting for people to upgrade their rigs. Also, upgrade to what exactly? I have a Cpu capable of 4.0 Ghz and a Geforce 970, but I struggle to get 75FPS without reducing graphics considerably. I don't see what I can upgrade to in a years times, unless of course, I spend crazy money on something like a Titan X graphics card.
So are we going to be stuck playing games with reduced graphics, while in search of 90FPS for low persistence? Or even maybe 120FPS, like has been mentioned for CV1? I don't think I'll get 90FPS let alone 120FPS for games like Alien Isolation, Assetto Corsa and Elite Dangerous even with a Geforce 970 or 980.