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Meta quest 3 VR idea

Honored Guest

Hello, Meta VR-team

I have an idea that I wanted to bring to the VR platform. I have connections to a few A-list musicians that I have built relationships with. I  am a new user of meta and had a chance to experience the meta world and came up with an idea to bring more users to the meta world. In the meta venue where users can attend basketball games and stand up comedy shows  I was thinking meta can collaborate with a few musical artists to have them join the meta world and provide celebrity meet and greet to their supports/fans through meta. Is this idea possible? If so what needs to be done to make this happen?  Also musical concerts are now being viewed in the movie theaters , could artists hold exclusive concerts through meta only for  meta users? This would give users of al ages the opportunity to take advantage of tiling the meta equipment and make others purchase and utlize meta for these reasons. 


Honored Guest

Wonderful idea! I am a musician and music teacher (not A list), but have often thought it would be nice to "talk the talk" about making music (I'm more classical style). Would it be possible to collaborate within Meta? Make music together? Just a thought.....

also.......I REALLY want to play live cribbage games.......:)