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Monitor started with 'tearing' after using oculus

Honored Guest
I use an iiyama prolite E2773HS.

The monitor is only capable to use 60 Hz @ 1920*1080.

After the use of my DK2 the monitor shows massive tearing in normal desktop mode.
3D games on my monitor are fine with activated vsync,
but as i dunno how to explicit force vsync in desktop-mode i have very annoying tearing while watching videos (no matter what player, netflix etc.)
everything in desktop mode 'tears'. (i can test this with a fast moving window dragged to the mouse).

as i installed the new nvidia driver and checked "fresh install" everything was fine again.
no teraing at all (like it should be).

today i played a session ED (first oculus use after the nvidia-driver-install)
and BAAAM...
the tearing is back.

this really sux.
it doesn't matter if the oculus is turned off nor in which mode it is set.

anyone has an idea how to fix this?